Selected Hijab Girl

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3 years ago
Topics: Shortstory, Story, Write

Selected Hijab Girl

A girl with a veil is beautiful, teaching children in an old hut

The hut area where the poor is, read and write the letters of the Al-Qur'an

Sharing love with the son of hope ...

The beautiful girl shared her love

Selfless work with a clean heart

And sincerity ...

An old song from the music group qosidah Nasidaria, reminds me of my best friend. The veil she had given me, I still keep it well, and I wear it often. It's been a long time since I saw him. I miss being with him, the laughter that adorns our togetherness, it's hard for us to face it with a big heart. But now he has gone a long way. I really miss him. "Obi, where is our old friendship?" I asked myself.

I got up from my bed and stood closer to my wardrobe. I took the veil that Obi had given me. I held in my arms, as I let go of my longing for Obi. "Obi, you are my best friend. What you gave me is so precious. I cannot match your kindness. Go home Obi, I'm waiting for you, ”said Nayla, who was still holding the veil in her arms. Memories of Nayla and Obi several years ago landed in his mind. Nayla still remembers when Obi gave the veil.


After school, I parted with Obi at the crossroads. Actually, his name, not Obi. But Riana Febrina. I prefer to call him Obi. He didn't mind himself either. "Nay, I'll go to Ana's house first ..." said Obi before we parted. “Bi, why don't you go home first? You're tired, just came home from school. " I said to Obi. "Nay, the children at the TPA where Mrs. Ana is waiting. I got the money yesterday from Mrs. Ana. I asked him in advance to pay for the book. " Obi explained. "Okay, you be careful ..!" said Nayla. "Yes Nay, thank you, for lunch earlier. I'm so bothering you. " Obi said. "Never mind Bi, you also often help me study. Private lessons, free again," said Nayla with a pampering smile, until her dimples deepened like a whirlpool.

At that intersection, I often parted ways with Obi. I immediately went home, but Obi continued to set foot to fulfill a noble task. She also teaches the children the Koran at Ana's house. He is one of the teachers at our SMK. And he also offered Obi to teach the children the Koran, along with other Koran teachers.

This time, I went with Obi to Mrs. Ana's house. I wanted to see how Obi taught the kids. I often hear comments that Obi's way of teaching is very fun. Sometimes, when I go to the regional public library, I often see Obi students who are so familiar with him. They are very happy with Obi. I purposely went with Obi, because I wanted to observe Obi's activities. I recommend him as a model student. I've read from an Islamic face. I want to write down Obi's activities, which I will send to the magazine later. But, I didn't tell Obi. Although he was suspicious earlier because it was not like usual. I was so determined to come. My face is still dull with a complete uniform. Likewise with Obi. However, the former water for wudu at midday prayer feels fresh on our faces.

"Now, let's sing first, before going home. One, two, three ”Obi guided the children to sing. Then the children simultaneously began to sing. "My God is only one. There is no alliance. He is neither son nor a father. Who says three, hi ... That's idolatry. People like him hell are the place. (there are five of my balloon songs) ”the children sang enthusiastically. I just smiled at the singing. Because I know exactly that song. It was a song that Obi and I received during training at the village office. At that time there were students from IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya who were carrying out a Community Service Program in our village. Then they held education and training, provided teaching on religious education, lessons on recitation, chanting, qiroah, and others.

"Nay, what are you daydreaming about?" Obi's voice startled me and brought me out of my reverie. "Aa," I stuttered and was shocked because Obi was beside me. "What's wrong with you, Nay?" asked obi smiling seeing my strange face. "I remember Bi, when we were training in the village. When there was KKN from IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. That song reminds me of Bi. " I said explaining it to Obi. Obipun smiled at my story. "Therefore, what we got during the training, I practiced Nay. What has been taught by older students from IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya is very useful," said Obi. "Yes, Bi," I replied by nodding my head.

“You remind me, it was difficult for you to learn recitation. Do you still remember the song cut duck goose, right? " Obi smiled seductively, he wanted to test my memory. "Ok .." I replied with a smile. "There are two kinds of idghom. Idghom bilagunnah and idghom bigunnah. Idghom bugunnah ya 'nun mim wawu. Idghom bilagunnah lam ra 'the letter. Idghom bigunnah ya 'nun mim wawu. Idghom bilagunnah lam ra 'the letter… ”Obi and I smiled together, after singing the song together.


"Obi, Obi ..." I ran after I parked my bicycle in front of Ana's house fence. Obipun was surprised by me running panting with the magazine in my right hand. "Obi, hah..hah..hh .." I tried to take a deep breath, my breath was still panting too. But, I have to deliver this good news. "You won the competition in Bi magazine ..!" I said very happily, I immediately hugged Obi. "Nay, what did I win? I've never participated in an event in Nay magazine .. ”Obi was very confused, he didn't understand my attitude.

“I wrote an article about you Nay, I recommend you as a model student. All your activities ranging from leading student council organizations in schools, teaching the Koran, and helping friends study. Anyway, I told all Bi. And you won Bi. You got first place. " I'm very enthusiastic about telling it. "Is that true Nay?" Obi still doesn't believe it. “That's right, Bi, you are the chosen headscarf girl. You just read in this magazine. Then, Obi read it. The look on Obi's face was very surprised, there was a feeling of joy flushing on his face. He immediately hugged you. "Thanks, Nay .." said Obi, hugging me.


"Nay, this is for you." Obi gave something wrapped in brown paper. "Obi, this is a gift from that magazine. Why did you give it to me? " I asked. "Nay, I want you to wear it." Obi gave the package to me. "What is this Bi?" I asked. "Open up ..!" asked Obi. "Hijab?" I said when knowing the contents of the gift. "Yes, I want you to wear it Nay. But, I want to, that intention is really in your heart Nay. I don't want you to wear it because I'm your best friend. Because you don't feel comfortable refusing it. I want that intention to come from your heart Nay. "Obi explained it to me. I'm just silent, contemplating. Occasionally I see the look on Obi's face and see the veil that is now in my hand. I tried to arrange my heart, to set a sincere intention.

I swiftly put it on. A salmon-colored headscarf. I like it very much. "Looks like, the girl in the veil of choice is you, Nay. You become the chosen person because you are the girl that Allah chose to wear the veil. "Said Obi really touched my heart. I then hugged him.


"Nay, don't be loud ..!" shouted my mother from outside my room. I immediately woke up from my reverie. "Yes ma'am .." I answered. I've been daydreaming about Obi and me for a long time. “Bi, this song from Nasidaria reminds me of you. Obi, I really miss you. Hopefully, your college in Semarang will run smoothly. "I said who remembered Obi, my best friend.


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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Shortstory, Story, Write
