Sea of Sand in Bromo Caldera

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4 years ago

Mount Bromo, is one place that holds many unique secrets. If you have more time, you can also go up to the mountain behind him, which is Mahameru.

To get to Bromo, there are several preparations that must be done, ranging from physical endurance to the condition of the vehicle. The best time to come here is from April to November, where the sun can be seen clearly and the weather is more friendly. The best time to enjoy Bromo is to leave at night so when you get there, you can enjoy the sunrise from the climb.

In addition to enjoying the sunrise, there is also a savanna that should not be missed. In the dry season, this field will turn brown, so that it looks like in the wilds of Africa. But if you come during the rainy season, the savannah will be overgrown with grass and green shrubs that are so spoil the eyes. Not surprisingly, many also call it Teletubbies Hills.

Ride a horse across a sea of ​​whispering sand. This location was once used as a place to shoot one of Indonesian films so that a lot of tourists who want to follow it. Make sure you wear eyeglasses and nostrils because sand that is swept by the wind can hurt the eyes.

By the way, why is the name whispering sand? So, the wind coming down from the Mount Bromo caldera will create a small vortex over this sea of ​​sand. Well, the wind will lift the sand and make it rub against each other so that it makes a sound like a whisper.

In the Bromo area, there are also several lodgings that can be used as a place to rest after an adventure down the beautiful scenery around.

If you come near the end of the year, there is usually a mountain jazz show. Enjoying melodious music in the cold weather of Mount Bromo is a memorable experience.

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4 years ago
