Scribbles of longing and love

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3 years ago

Sometimes I hope that there will be a day of freedom for me even though today is Sunday, apart from all the routines that make me always want to stay in the room all day.

The alarm clock has shown at 5.35 o'clock in the morning, but it's lazy to leave my bedroom this time.

With weight I stepped into the kitchen, what do I think about cooking for breakfast this morning I thought.

Without thinking, I stepped into the kitchen to just prepare breakfast for me and my child, but not yet at the dining table I saw a book on the dining table, there was an interest in seeing it because it was not a habit for me to put any book on the table.

"Looks like I've never seen this book before," I muttered

When my hand began to open the first page ... my heart was beating "Scribbles of longing and love Raka" I whispered. Hmmm

January 05

"Mom, Raka always hopes that you can read this note. Raka hopes that mom can still see Raka's now. Even though it's just in prayer, but maybe later, Raka hopes to meet and feel mother's love.

Today Raka is confused, Raka must-see when Raka gets off the stage and runs while crying when I find out that it is not you who picked him up.

Whereas before, it was usual for Dad to do things like this if there was something in the contest that Raka attended at school. "


Raka remembered that incident, yes, when the show was overall the friends ran happily over to their respective mothers while giving a rose & the words I love you. Before Raka got off the stage, Raka tried to find you mom, even though it was just in my imagination, looking around in hope you there, but when I saw Dad ... Raka this time was powerless, and I ran and cried ... holding back the longing of a child whose hopes could not be fulfilled, Daddy hug me tight. "I'm sorry dear, sorry daddy came late," said the daddy at that time

I just cried regardless of what Dad said.

07 January

"Mom, I want to say and tell Dad about what Raka really misses, but Raka is afraid that Dad will also drown in longing for how much he actually missing you too. Sometimes Raka wants to share stories and ask questions about your mom where there are many things that Raka doesn't know about you. How about when my mother carried me and took care of me when I was little.

Raka's tears were caught again streaming down his cheeks when he remembered the events of that day again.

"Raka, this mom has made chocolate milk, drink it, honey, so Raka will grow up and be smart later," said you while handing me a glass of warm chocolate milk.

Unfortunately, my hand touched the glass and almost made the glass of milk spill when Raka tried to refuse.

"I don't want mom, don't wantooooooooooooo ... anyway Raka doesn't want to be with you, Raka wants my daddy to make it

With a soft and gentle, soft voice tried to calm myself at that time. "Smiling and say, your daddy working now honey, so the only mom is at home right now. Raka must be drinking, okay?" still warmly, the mother offered me a glass of chocolate milk

If I remember that incident, how sad and sorry Raka is, Mom. But at that time Raka was just a child who didn't understand anything about what happened. ... at that time you were trying to get rid of my frustration because I wanted Dad to be there that afternoon. And the mother gave a soft caress so that it made me complacent and forgot what Raka wanted at that time.

"Mom, will help me too, okay?" I asked innocently and my mother smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Ok dear, mom will help Raka spend but only a little ok. "And I laughed happily at that time.

"Today, Raka doesn't have to take a nap. So that later you can play with mom and will tell a lot story with Raka. ”Hearing mom's words, at that time Raka was so happy that he immediately drank the milk that the mother gave him until it ran out. To forget to save for his mom even though Raka asked the mother to help finish it. Mom knows Raka is happiest if he doesn't take a nap and just wants to play. "Wow, how smart is the mom's child". said the mom while hugging Raka tightly.

April 10

“Mom, it seems that right now dad's mind is worried seeing mom's condition getting worse day by day. But this afternoon, when I saw Raka laughing out loud with the comedy we were watching on the TV, it seemed that the anxiety was gone. And it seems that dad is increasingly convinced that mom will recover and can see Raka grow up "

Reading this note made me blood swish blue, weak and helpless, crying and unable to continue reading Raka's book.

I closed the book and put it as before.

"Raka forgive Dad, son, who sometimes can't give love like a mother usually does."

Raka, dad always hopes and dreaming that miracles exist and can happen, dad always wanted to meet and talk to your mom too. Mom and Dad always hope and pray for the best for Raka ... thank you, son ... who always understands and loves Dad and Mom the way like his.

Your mom always loves Raka, how great is her loyalty and sacrifice to Raka, and she's will always smile for Raka up there.

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Written by
3 years ago
