Sambal Terasi

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3 years ago

Sambal terasi or Chili shrimp paste is one of the original culinary specialties from Indonesia. Where the chili paste is a combination of chili, onion and garlic, tomatoes, salt, flavoring, and shrimp paste In Indonesia, chili paste is one of the most popular types of pasta in Indonesia. Every day for Indonesians it is a must to have or prepare one of these pastas.

Sambal terasi is usually consumed by the community as a paste to accompany foods such as fresh vegetables, and foods that are processed by frying. Usually this is more delicious served at lunch and dinner time. It has become a habit in Indonesia because the average Indonesian population really likes the spicy taste of the original chili.

The sensation of manually processed spicy taste which is usually crushed with a stone (in pulverized) is the characteristic sought. If the chili paste is processed melanicly or using a blender the results are very different because the taste will reduce the taste manually. Processed manually gives a completely different taste and will make everyone addicted to it.

For the problem of volume or level of spiciness depends on the amount of chili that is obtained. The more chilies, the spicier the result will be. However, there is one thing that makes people in Indonesia believe that if you make chili sauce or consume chilies in an odd way, it will produce an excess spicy taste compared to an even number of chilies. Sounds funny, but that's the custom that has happened and is believed in Indonesia, if you are interested or curious, just try eating chilies in an odd way and distinguish between an even number.

There are chili paste that is processed raw, half cooked, or also cooked. Each depends on the taste of the person who likes it. For me personally, I like the half-cooked chili paste. Where crushed first manually then doused with hot cooking oil.

For the problem of processing the three things that are usually dipped, basically everything produces a taste that is still delicious as a complement to a dish or pasta. Every day, chili paste becomes an obligation to be present as a complement when served when mealtime approaches.

Sometimes, even if it's just rice and chili paste, that's enough to represent your appetite. Many people do things like this, especially if they are in a state of concern, it feels quite comfortable to eat the food they eat.

However, not all types of food can be paired with chili paste. Only a few types. However, when it comes to the types of processed vegetables, they are usually juxtaposed with chili paste. Like vegetable tamarind or vegetable lodeh, it will usually be paired with chili paste. With tempeh or fried tofu. Or also with fish and fried chicken.

Sambal terasi is preferred by the average population of the island of Java in Indonesia, if from other islands besides the island of Java, it usually has a different characteristic to process the sambal terasi. From the raw materials used and the method of manufacture. But what is very easy and usually liked by many people is sbal terasi from the West Java region.

Yes, it's a little story or a small explanation about a pasta model that exists in Indonesia. If anyone has ever tasted chili paste for those of you who live outside Indonesia, what do you think about the taste and sensation you get from the shrimp paste? Do you like it, or do you find it weird?

Sambal terasi is also starting to be widely known by the world community. And many taste buds or those who like spicy sensations from around the world like it. Indeed, the advantage of this pasta is the originality of the ingredients and the processing. The raw materials and the place to crush or grind the stone also determine the final result. So that the chili paste is an easy paste to make but it is actually difficult to make a delicious chili paste.

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3 years ago
