Restless Soul

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3 years ago

What we know stands on a dream. And all dreams in the shadows can sometimes be shattered without leaving a trace. Calling out a majestic name but running away without even realizing it leaves and trying to heed.

In a dream you are behind a hill lit by the moon and the light of the stars. Even the lost demons are unable to interfere and destroy all the happy feelings that have been attained.

But life can't be fooled, how far we try to run will give thousands of tests to understand the meaning of the journey in life. Loss of control or escape from the corridor to consciousness can occur. Like a monster who continues to follow every step he takes.

There is no best, nothing like angels all the same will commit a mistake in the steps taken through each phase of time that is constantly moving.

Apologizing and forgiveness a hope to be understood. No one can save themselves for all the deeds that have been done. Everything becomes your own responsibility when the time of accountability will pass later. Dreams are like hopes in order to avoid all the heat of hell fire that burns body and soul. No one wants to feel it or get into it and the heart cannot lie.

Everything for today, yesterday and tomorrow. The past and the future. Like a melody that follows footsteps. Remembering time cannot be erased. Stored in every memory even though it can be forgotten. Sing and then fall into a deep sleep. Want to do whatever you like but must be accountable.

The journey of life is expected to be both easy and difficult. Keep fighting and keep trying to paint in the best work to be able to represent a beautiful story. Can accompany you later when time is tired trying to stop. It's hard even though I hope to be washed away with all the actions that may never be realized, it creates a good thing to create a sense of happiness in life later there.

Indeed, there will be many regrets when the time comes for neglecting the time when it is given. Remembering and begging to be able to return in order to change and collect all the goodness about the word life that has been given. Even if it's once, it's a shame it couldn't have happened, only regrets were left because everything had been wasted.

Back to the dream of how the sky is full of the light of thousands of stars shining. Does the feeling of not caring must continue to be obeyed because basically He continues to pay attention to everything. Dreams are no longer a hope that only exists when death comes to pick themselves up in a state that is ready for the next trip there later. Of course, in all peace of mind, it is not mental anxiety that hits.

Trying to achieve the best of life's necessities to always be fulfilled. Leaving something too loved or loved. That bright light certainly continues to provide guidance to remind and give something good without being tired of constantly trying to fix every mistake that is created.

When you lose your way or when you're upset. The promise to protect and provide the best will always come. And the self is constantly trying to improve its existence. Together with the angels continue to keep from feeling the weight of life's trials. Feel how love makes yourself drunk on its greatness. Like a lover who is inflamed in high thirst so that he drinks without feeling the loss of thirst. So high in the drunken love of being close to Him.

This world is just a play in a running theater. Each plays their own role. Trying to achieve the best in his role so that he can be accepted later. So that the dream about the beauty that is achieved can be realized without just imagining it. Believe it or not, but the truth will come. It would be difficult to explain. Because, returning to His pleasure is what happens.

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Written by
3 years ago
