Pool in old house

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3 years ago

The sound of the bus horns ringing because there is a reckless motorbike that is almost grazing the bus that is riding. "Geez, luckily it's okay," said the mothers who sat behind me. "Yes, ma'am, if that even if it could be interrupted by our journey, !" Connect the mothers on the side. "Hmmm ... When did you reach Mesati village?" I asked a man next to me with a smile. The man was silent and looked cold and did not respond at all. "Huuuhh" I muttered while blowing my pony hair. I keep looking at my blue watch. It took so long a trip to Mesati village, my grandma's village. Even though it's almost a song I heard from my phone repeated a few times.

"As soon as we get to the village of Mesati, let's get ready," said a mother to her child. A few minutes later to the destination. While getting off the bus I turned back there and came here who found someone who was prepared by Grandma to pick me up. "You're Lira isn't, come follow me" an invited a little girl who suddenly approached me. "Yes, how do you know if I am Lira?" I asked, surprised that she had suddenly appeared. The little girl shows me my photo. "Ahh Brother !! Here ..." The little girl yelled at someone who got off the bus I was riding on earlier. "What are you doing? Already believe why I know your brother's name correctly. This is my Brother, his name Bram, I don't think the same bus is with you," said the little girl while introducing her sister who turned out to be the person sitting next to me. during the trip. It turned out that Grandma had prepared a pickup truck that was used to carry vegetables to pick me up. Yes, that's not what matters, it's not walking to my grandmother's house, which is said to be a chat from Viva, the little girl is still eight kilometers away.

"This is the house. House grandma said Viva should be your sister tonight because grandma has a little more business outside the village," explained Viva when he arrived at Grandma's house. "Then what did you do?" I asked, turning around at Bram the still silent. "Ooohh ... ya brother will also become accompany ... Hehe" answered Viva with an innocent face. "Bram is really like that, later he will talk. Just you wait," she continued. "Oh ya, please do not near the swimming pool!" She says. "Just warning Sis," continued Viva with a slightly confused smile.

It doesn't feel like the day starts late at night. Tonight the air was cold and enough to make my nose melt. "This is sis. Because there is no chocolate like in the cities so I made chocolate milk so you can feel warm," said Viva giving me a cup of chocolate milk. "Thank you, dear," I said. "Brother Ehmmm, do you know why you rarely speak?" I just shook my head. "First ... Bram liked someone so much. He planned to propose to her. Her name is Sis Hera," said Viva. I listened intently while looking focused on Viva. "But, She's father's Heras in all not agree with his brother's relationship. Whenever the brother wants to meet, always stops even sis's Heras to be locked up. Until the brother plans to propose, brother and mother ventured. But all plans were rejected and forced. All stop their relationship. "

The night wind blew gently but it felt very cold accompanying tonight's story. Viva's story is getting connected. "Since that incident, Hera was always locked in the house and maybe because she was desperate, finally Hera decided to run away and end her life in the pool because Hera could not swim and had asthma since that incident was a brother, that house sold at Grandma, "Viva ended his story and fell silent with a cold face. "Viva, is this serious?" I asked curiously and with an astonished face at his story. "According to you?" she said to look at me coldly. I'm just speechless. "It's better for you to sleep," Viva then went to his room leaving me.

"Is that true ???" muttered me while staring at my room while lying down. "Grandma never said anything," I thought and then tried to close my eyes. Suddenly the lights went out and it made me panic. "Viva ..." I called in a fairly loud voice. "Yes, Sis" Viva's voice casually waxed. "Viva forgot that today was the lights off ... Hehe I want to help Bram in the back. Just sleep," she said. Then I tried to close my eyes. Everything was quiet, only the sound of cricket was heard that night. When these spies started trying to fall asleep, suddenly there was a strange sound. Track ... Brukkk Brukkk. Like the sound of something trying to destroy my room. "Viva? You or Bram?" I said hoarsely. But nothing answer. I was afraid that I immediately covered myself with the blanket while peeking a little. Shortly heard a knock at the door. I was scared because nothing could be heard but rhythm. "Viva, maybe not stupid with me just an innocent face. Bram. Ahh, that's impossible. Don't" negative thoughts began to penetrate my brain. The sound of knocking was heard repeatedly accompanied by the blowing night wind which made my body crawl even more. "Grandma... Why do I have to go to the old house that Grandma bought this, where there is history in this house that is no longer fun," I muttered as I continued to hug the blanket.

Suddenly the sound of the door to the room opened was heard. I was silent and I tried to peek. That's right, my bedroom door is open. I tried to walk slowly while my eyes incessantly looked around looking for something that opened the door. As I was getting close to the door suddenly something jumped right in front of me. Suddenly I screamed as fast as he couldn't move like my legs were stiff. The shadows began to approach and I became afraid. Apart from that, there were footprints that began to approach me by candlelight. There is a hand grabbing my shoulder from behind. I just closed my eyes and didn't dare to look. "Sis what wrong?" Ask someone from behind me who turns out to be viva. "Aaaa Viva, help me. Something knocked on the door and came in. Is there," I said frantically, pointing my finger under the table. Viva then melted slowly while I was still near the door while closing my eyes. "Sis ... sis ... let's open your eyes," said Viva. Slowly I opened my eyes and right in front of me Viva was holding a large gray cat. "Cat?" I asked in surprise. "Hehe, sis. Only the cute ones enter. He used to enter the door, which can be locked to sleep sis. Usually with Grandma," explained Viva. "So ..." I said later. "Apparently the only one trying to knock on the door is the cat who sleeps with my grandmother in this room?" I asked in surprise. "Yes, sis. Surely you imagined the story? Hehe. Viva was just kidding. Viva just wanted to take scare's you and it worked out," said Viva. "So your story?" Viva smiled and put the candle on the table and lay down. "that's Lie, hehe. I was so sleepy, let's sleep," said Viva, putting the sweet one on the bed at shes feet. I can't say anymore. It turned out that Nisa had planned to deceive me from my arrival with that story. And it worked.

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$ 9.18 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Written by
3 years ago


Nice one

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I imagined how the story will flow but in the end its just a scary story hahahaha, what if you made a part 2 of it in which everything is true?

$ 0.00
3 years ago