Pandemics, Distancing, and Human Philosophy

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3 years ago

First time in history. United we die, divorced we survived. Maybe some people have heard, seen, and even conveyed this meme expression since the Covid-19 pandemic broke out in the world. The disclosure can take various forms, whether by neighbors, family, or reading it in social media posts by friends and so on.

The responses related to that, of course, vary. There are those who respond to it as humor. Some see it as an attempt to define the reality of the world these days. Some accept and then ignore; information read casually. Accepted, but made no impact. But there are also those who do, take the meme seriously.

Since the world announced the first case of Covid-19 in March, public attention has been seized by various information related to the disease caused by the SARS-Cov-2 virus. Since then, the appeal to keep your distance, stay away from the crowd, wear a mask, always wash your hands as routine calls that we hear all the time.

Each country tries to respond by issuing an appeal to work from home (WFH), then maintain a distance (social/physical distancing). Finally, large-scale social restrictions. The goal is clear, to inhibit and break the chain of spreading the virus.

How to explain the influence of one human being on another human being? How to understand the impact of human existence on their social life? Conversely, how does social life affect individuals?

In philosophical reflection, humans are interpreted as being singular-plural. Humans are both singular and plural. Humans are individuals as well as part of social life. Humans are "me" simultaneously "we".

Man is called singular because he is unique, the one and only, and not repeated. Starting from DNA structure, fingerprints, traits, life experiences, and identity just to name a few examples. No human is the same as another.

But humans are also plural at the same time. In a sense, he connects and establishes relationships with other people, consciously or not. These relationships and relations occur in the layers of human existence. In the biological aspect, for example, the DNA of an individual is connected to the DNA of the father-mother, grandfather, great-grandfather, ancestor, in a long and extensive network.

From a psychological aspect, the psyche of each person is formed from the various influences he received and absorbed from the earliest age in the mother's womb. In the aspect of knowledge, each individual is connected to the millions of people who make a research first.

Therefore, when the first-semester student started studying philosophy, he was actually with us all sitting at Socrates' feet, in a long line of students. Millions of people throughout the centuries.

Humans are both singular and plural. The me who is now is unique and second to none. But the me who is now is simultaneously the fruit of the 'gift' of so many people. In social life, I give meaning to others. Simultaneously the others gave meaning to me.

So lately in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic situation, indifference and neglect of calls for distance can be a 'disaster' for others. Likewise, the neglect of others can be a 'disaster' for me.

It is at this point that the call to distance itself and New Normal find its meaning. We are advised not to gather yet, avoid crowds, stay at home, do not travel yet. So that we don't become the spreaders of Covid-19. Even so, so that we don't become the ones with Covid-19. One thing that must be understood is that neglect, indifference is not only bad for oneself. But it has social implications. What we do has an impact on others.

People exposed to Covid-19 are like pyramids. At the top of the pyramid, they are those who later become sick because of Covid-19. At the lowest level with the greatest number are those who are exposed to the virus but are not infected and groups of people who are infected with the virus but are not very sick. These two groups then traveled everywhere and spread Covid-19. This can be a reasonable explanation of why Covid-19 is spreading so fast and massive.

In that context of thinking, everyone cannot be indifferent and indifferent. Now is not just a moment to take care of yourself and be aware of other people's encounters. This moment is also a moment to take care of others and be aware of yourself.

First time in history. United we die, divorced we survived.

Of course, it depends on how each society interprets the meaning of "united". Because the meaning of "united" is broad. "Unity" does not merely represent physical unity. "Unity" can also appear in the spirit of unity to achieve common goals even though we are not physically close. The physical unity as well as the passion that is needed right now.

It must be understood that in this period of 'quarantine' not everyone can stay at home. There are people who have to fight, be physically present against Covid-19. There are people who cannot be physically present, but they also have the same passion to fight Covid-19: those who obey to stay at home.

If it is currently described as a war, there are two types of soldiers, namely those who fight Covid-19 by leaving their homes and those who fight Covid-19 by staying.

Stay safe.

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Written by
3 years ago


Very nice article, i love to read it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice writing

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

As much as possible I really wanted to stay at home. But I need to went out to buy some groceries and medicines for my mother and children. My husband was not here. He is a front liner too in Qatar. So just praying that these pandemic will end soon and vanished next year. But it really gave us a lesson to learned.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice one

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3 years ago