Old stories or smeared with gaps

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1 year ago

The crypto world evolves narratives of improving the word economy. During his journey the traces left behind always bring many stories that are sometimes lulling and sometimes heartbreaking. Volatility is one of the keywords for the existence of crypto, which is different from the condition of traditional currencies. From worthless to valuable until some are worthless again.

Traditional currencies are outdated and have a lot of weaknesses. But the fundamentals and the system that runs are so well established. Meanwhile, crypto currency is said to be better and has many advantages. However, it does not yet have the strong stability that traditional currencies use.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

There are many lessons to be learned from both. And from both of them there are many forms of moral and immoral values that can be used as learning for humans as creatures who create to be able to feel what is called life. Good and bad are commonplace, but it's still best to choose the good.

Old stories or smeared with gaps, that is the narrative of world financial problems that can be said in real terms. Difficult to form for the word welfare.

The insertion of the period creates space for conditions which make the period or decade the formation of the words success and helplessness. Economic power has never been real united and unified. Because one and the other feel they still want to feel the word ululization among the others.

Is this a relic, a custom, or is it a tradition?

Conflict and competition is a side of sovereignty in every room of the human heart that goes through it. Self-respect, integrity and form of behavior towards the word justice. True or not, history has only left one space where oppression is a business, not a mistake. Because the difference that existed in the past and now is only the method of development resulting from human thinking, and the context of reality is still the same.

Crypto as currency and traditional currency as traditional currency. Which one is better and which one will be the best, is still a question in a thousand questions. Because the point is that the exchange takes place on the use of crypto presence, it still requires traditional currency as a currency that is recognized by the world. The realm of failure is just an expression for failure that doesn't make it through and doesn't succeed in capturing the hearts of the world community. Meanwhile, the realm of sovereignty and independence that is fought for in individual inserts is actually just an insert.

Program and programmed, digital then digitized. Learning and introduction to the formation of a society in the context of technology that is digitized according to the times. Progress is said to be development and backward is said to be togetherness. Prosperity that is present and real in humans is increasingly cornered in the form of gaps where there are differences and mappings.

One localization narrative that continues to this day is that it is normal to be ignorant of outdated human beings, not a disgrace. Isn't it common to say that the elite above the word power and state servants forget that there are common people, and it's a shame when common people come to power that moral problems get out of control which turn out to be worse than the existing conditions. Who is responsible and who can be held accountable?

The funny thing is that price fluctuations are now a straightforward matter and are usually discussed at any time rather than thinking about the form of reality when a fair and equitable economy can be realized.


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Written by
1 year ago
