My steps in responding to life

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2 years ago

It will be a little different if you read it and do not study it properly. And there will be a wrong meaning if you react to it with an open mind from the beginning of this writing. If you can't be open and only fulfill your own selfishness, I suggest not to continue reading my current writing.

In the story of Sufi wisdom, there is a message from a teacher to his students. The Master said to his disciples:

"You have to learn how to teach other people something because humans don't want to be taught. First, tell them how to learn. And before that, you have to show them that there is always something to learn. They imagine that they are ready to learn. But, they want to learn what they imagine they have to learn, not what they previously had to learn. If you have understood everything, you will be able to plan how to teach. Knowledge without special abilities is not the same as knowledge and ability."

From the story of the experience of the Master's message to his students, a real example can be drawn in various historical records of human travel. And many things can indeed be said in accordance with the intent of the essence of the purpose or the hidden meaning in the message.

For example, in the story of Sayyid Ahmad Al-Badawi (died 1276) when he was asked, "Who is a barbarian?", he replied: "A barbarian is someone whose understanding is so low that he thinks he can understand by just thinking or feeling. something that is only clearly understood through constant development and application in the pursuit of God."

"People laughed at Moses and Jesus, either because they completely ignored them, or because they were hiding from themselves what these people really meant when they spoke and acted."

It's just a fragment of stories and messages that can be interpreted with a thousand meanings of understanding, of course, if it falls on the word understanding. And that's what human understanding really means. Often it is not sourced from a clear source and is willing to accept it without wanting to study and deepen it first. What is often done is to give opinions without basing the purpose of knowledge or science, even more, the extreme is to justify their own understanding of a science or knowledge.

The context in life is to live and worship the Creator. Because of the creation of all that exists because of God. Religion is certainly above the law of all things because religion is the basis of the law of this life made and happening. Without religion, there is no defense for human beings.

Interpreting a science without a teacher will result in misinterpretation. Meanwhile, by learning the science of learning to the teacher, there can be different opinions and understandings. So the endpoint is the need for the pleasure of the Master and the Creator.

On the other hand, it can also be taken as an example of an article that I wrote that would end up in various opinions, differing in acceptance of the meaning of an article that I wrote. Because basically, I'm the only one who will possibly understand the intent and purpose of an article being made. However, there will still be various opinions that come from the writing. And what's even weirder and funnier will be hatred from the writing. That is a sign of a human attitude that has a reason but is not used properly. Though good and bad, weird and funny, useful or not, all will return to the problem of the author himself, not someone else who bears the cause and effect.

Hopefully, it will convey the meaning and purpose of my personal self. This is not about you or a word of da'wah let alone advice, but this is one of my steps in responding to life based on the beliefs that I believe are contained in writings taken from various sources of wisdom that I have learned with the teacher and may Allah bless and always open my every step to can continue to learn.


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Written by
2 years ago


Thanks for bringing this up. i see people freely express their religious beliefs online and then i try to say to them "if only the whole world believed that there is only one God, Then there will be no religion"

I practice Christianity, but i don't see that as a religion. very often i do get asked in an interview, in forms or other confidential occasion what my belief is, it's really difficult to convince them that i don't have a religion but i believe in Jesus. Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship. Seeing it as a religion brings about the dogmas of believing you must attend a church or get involved in some improvised doctrines which actually makes Christianity not different from any other religion.

i will try to make this comment brief as possible. Seeing Christianity as a religion automatically placed it equal and in competition to any other religion that existed. How then do you convince your counterpart if you made them believe you are in competition with them? "for as many that are led by the spirit are the son of God" Rom 8:14. if this is true, which is correct; why then do we for guidelines in form doctrines to act like any other religion,?

i will stop here.. but of course, there's more to it

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I don’t know why I feel so peace while reading this one. Glad to read this one dear.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I read your articles all the time. You always write well. Your ideas about life are absolutely correct.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

It is true what you say. How to spend a day without learning. Everyone interprets what they read according to their own reality. Learning will be in relation to their perspective.

$ 0.05
2 years ago