Luwak Coffee, the most expensive coffee

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4 years ago

Coffee lovers must know some of the most delicious types of coffee in the world. One of them turned out to be in Indonesia. It was none other than civet coffee, a unique coffee that serves extraordinary flavors.

Luwak coffee prices may be fairly expensive, which starts from $20.47 per 100 grams. Higher than other types of local coffee, such as Arabica or Robusta which per kilogram is no more than $6.82. Nevertheless, demand for civet coffee remains high. Not only local coffee lovers but even to international coffee lovers. Noted coffee connoisseurs from Hong Kong, Singapore, China, and Australia often hunt down Luwak coffee.

Luwak coffee has a different production system than the others. The production system starts from breaking and crushing the beans without involving the wrapper making the taste of fermented coffee 10 to 30 percent of the civet droppings so unique and special, even when there is no added cream or sugar in it. Therefore, civet coffee is one of the most expensive coffees in the world.

In addition to the long process, civet coffee also has a limited production capacity when compared to other coffees. Some coffee craftsmen, such as West Lampung coffee artisans or Jim's Coffee businesses are able to produce 500 kilograms of civet coffee.

Even though it sounds like a big number, this number is nothing compared to the tons of whole coffee beans during the main harvest. This is what makes civet coffee the most expensive coffee due to limited production.

Nevertheless, Luwak coffee also has high health standards. Besides having a taste and uniqueness compared to other coffees. The health benefits of protecting and preventing tooth decay make coffee, which is a growing region on the islands of Sumatra and Java, expensive.

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Written by
4 years ago


Your article educates me. I need to say it is somewhat new to me that coffee has types. Thanks

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4 years ago