Love Jokes

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3 years ago
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The refraction of a small candlelight gives a daydream of a sense of love jokes. Not a joke or a fake love. But a love like a comedy in tragedy. We will be made to laugh if we feel it, live it and remember it.

Full of intrigue and reality that is no longer a thing that is worthy of questioning. Because the presence is only a love joke without awareness of the real word love. Just causing thousands of laughs, appearing in the style of unspoken words of love and care with a feeling that grows with trust or a cock for a growing sense of love.

It makes everyone who sees it laugh. Just creating a word not a feeling. Sometimes embarrassed and so tempting indeed. Tempted to remain aware of the fact that what is achieved is only a love joke. Not a lie but hypocrisy in the word too hidden to admit and admit. Do not want to realize it will be the laughing stock of everyone who knows or even sees it.

Every step that is created is only a step that does not want to show or proof of sincerity. But I want to say has given all his heart. A love joke that is created without being based on an acknowledgment of the basis of love. There is no sincerity to try or give an understanding of the word love. But on the other hand, he spoke as if he was serious.

Put the heart but do not want to accept the fact to know clearly that the reality of love has grown in his heart. And when all that has been passed is just a feeling of regret and thousands of blame are given to the person he loves makes him not to be blamed. A love joke, a love scene full of intrigue, deceit, laughs and is laughed at in the end.

The situation is lame. Because those who are serious about love will become mere victims. In fact, all because of not daring to self-acknowledgement will love the sincerity and seriousness that he wants to feel. Only led to a laugh in the end, back like a comedy in a situation that can't be blamed for other people to laugh at.

Like a speck of a star in the dark night, sometimes he does not notice a small light in the dark night, which is full of rhythm. How beautiful the light is but still cannot illuminate the night. However, it is different when you see there is a speck of stain on a stretched white cloth. Of course it will focus on those small stains, as if forgetting how clean the cloth is apart from the speck of stains that exist, even though it might be possible to get rid of it with just a little cleaning. That's living in love, sometimes forgetting to choose which things to look at. And only look at things from the other side that is owned.

Is it embarrassing or humiliating to be one of the main conditions for a reason not to dare to admit to love or to be loved? Is it true that being an excuse or attention is just all the fun? Saying by conveying a secret but like a mirage, if only it was desired wouldn't it seem a fact that sincerity had been shown. That is the genitals of love, all of which have often made people deceived into being willing to berate and destroy each other. Like a dice made of fire, which makes humans fight for each other even though it is very hot in the hand. Like the history of every fairy tale that is often told by many writers.

That's the reality of a reality about love that is said to be a love joke. And everyone must have experienced and felt it. False and fake. Until finally everyone finds true love that is far from the various forms of love jokes and understands what love really means. Love jokes are just a phase in the journey to true love. A feeling where every human being will feel the happiness of the word love and be loved.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Write, Free write
