Little by little it gradually became a hill

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3 years ago

The sentence of the title of this paper is one of the proverbs that people often hear in schools in general. In fact, this is usually memorization that must be memorized by Indonesian language teachers in elementary schools. In fact, behind this proverb lies a deep meaning. An Indonesian parable for the word an attempt to do anything will slowly yield results. And most often in the connotation of the word saving to give lessons to young children in Indonesia, whereby collecting money from small / change but consistently or continuously, one day it will collect a lot too.

Like what we did on platforms and, from the results of a small collection at first but still consistently done and fruitful if we are patient and collect it will accumulate a lot too.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Maybe if you look at it, it looks like the payment or tip is earned in cents. However, if you put together the percentage of cents that you get consistently (not squandered) it will accumulate into a fairly large value in time.

Many users who have joined these two platforms have given examples and their motivation to new users to be taken as an example. And indeed it has become a piece of clear evidence that it is not mere figment or advertising. Take a positive lessons from them, not as something that only triggers envy, bad views, or weakness for ourselves to move forward.

The key and the essence of the proverb, "little by little it gradually became a hill (sedikit sedikit lama lama menjadi bukit)", are words of patience and consistency. Sure one day or in other day it will be able to produce results. And if you want to expand it, of course, this applies to all aspects and efforts in the life we ​​live.

In fact, it is not easy, and the conditions will vary from person to person. But that is not used as an excuse which will only be an obstacle to being able to achieve something that we dream of. Because temptations or problems will always exist in the journey of life, and it all depends on each of us to face it.

As the western proverb says, form zero to be a hero. The word from zero to be hero, if we interpret the word hero, especially to be a hero for yourself, will have a clearer meaning isn't it. We don't need to be far away from imagining to be heroes to many people but ourselves. If we can save ourselves, of course, it will have an impact on other people, especially those around us.

This adage implies something more valuable than a bag of money, namely: If we can accumulate all that is good even in a small act, we will find the greatness of soul and its benefits for us. How can one small gesture bring greatness and benefit? Just imagine, if all were always included with a glimmer of affection in every action. A word of gratitude, a word of thanks, a small smile, a friendly greeting, or a warm hug, maybe these are all actions that are often taken for granted and trivial. But in the coverage of love and compassion, it will be further and higher than the existing Savings Hill.

Everything that carries a positive value/atmosphere will provide a positive value/ atmosphere also for the environment that is affected by that positive value/air later on, and vice versa. So this is in the context of the discussion of this article, let's start looking at something small that is also something big and worthy of appreciation. Appreciating something small also trains oneself to be grateful and will give big rewards if you get big results so you don't waste it. Because if patience, persistence, consistency, and sincere intentions for goodwill yield enormous benefits later. Not for other people, but will have an impact on ourself primarily for sure.

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3 years ago
