List of 229 These Crypto Assets That Can Be Traded in Indonesia

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On December 17, 2020, Indonesia's Bappebti (Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi-Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency) finally approved the list of 229 Krypto Assets that are allowed to be traded in Indonesia. In this case, Bappebti published the Regulation of the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Board Number 7. You can download it here.

Loads a list of 229 crypto assets that can be traded on Indonesia's crypto-asset exchange/crypto marketplace. So outside of the list, delisting must be done. The rules also contain details of general principles and criteria of crypto assets.

The following is a list of these 229 Assets:

Judging from the regulations that have been issued, it can be concluded that exchange providers that have been running in Indonesia in the future will probably delits Assets that are not included in the 229 Assets that have been allowed. And for Indonesian traders in particular means to start choosing the Assets they choose in the future if they want to trade using Exchange based in Indonesia. Unfortunately, some of the Assets that are included in My portfolio are not included in the list, but there is one thing that makes me calm and happy, especially BitcoinCash in the list.


$ 0.52
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$ 0.01 from @bm8ter
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