Like a useful mushroom

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Written by
4 years ago

Maybe I'm not a good writer, nor is I someone who understands English fluently especially for grammar. So there will be some oddities in each of my articles about the problem of the language order.

But this is my effort to give results to myself, my family and to many people as well as my hope to stay and try to give a few examples to keep trying in life about the problems of life, where every problem, every deadlock there must be an answer and results if you keep trying.

Yes, I was born on the eastern continent of the world, an island nation with many languages ​​present in my country. I have become a human being, a resident and a parent who is striving for the meaning of a better life with the effort that exists in every path that we go through to a good result and continues to improve.

For who? what is clear and certain for me to be more meaningful in the community is to protect people who are not only crushing like parasites. Yes, the word hitchhikes might arise to represent a plant that I know, mushroom.

Where is a mushroom a plant that can live anywhere and can become parasites, but it is useful and beneficial to many people. Although there are some that can be dangerous, I try not to become a poisonous mushroom.

Writing became my choice to support my family, to be able to write, of course, makes good and useful writing (my hope) not that harms many people. For written words my language might be easy, but what about English that is not my language? it became a challenge for me to be able to progress and understand at least the global language used in this world. Although more or less can be said to be overtime if the language is destroyed, at least there are translate words and grammar helping me.

Yes, I hope that those of you who read every article or commentary in the form of English understand in broad outline. Not just to join in, or force but to say that I can with effort even though it all produces a strange or strange language order later.

Thank you to all of you who want to follow and want to read every article that I make. May we here continue to produce good business with the effort produced by the sincerity of the phrase "For us and the people".

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Written by
4 years ago


Yes be a useful mushroom than being a poisonous one, i believe everyone will improve if they work hard for it❤

By the way i love to eat mushroom hahah

$ 0.00
3 years ago

i love to eat mushroom hahah

But seriously, yes be a useful mushroom than being a poisonous one, i believe everyone will improve if they work hard for it, if you want something you can work for it so you'll achieve it. Everyone starts from scratch it's up to us if we want to improve❤

$ 0.00
3 years ago