Letter to Mother

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3 years ago

Good morning Mother, right now I am walking on the boulevard of life that is shady, while the dew has not yet evaporated. I thought of you, Mother, never before had I been gripped by this kind of longing that was so strong that it pushed and felt tight. There is a strong desire that what is now in front of Mother can also enjoy it, Enjoy not only freedom but all that is allowed to be enjoyed.

How precious a mother is when we have been separated by distances and times. In the turmoil of missing the verses of Rendra's poetry,

My mother is only one

but the face of his heart

I see everywhere

My mom is just mom

between us, there is a charm

the strong grip feels magical

and feels from me like moss


long stretched open the eyes


wander with vegetation


but my roots still blaspheme

mother's chest

My mother is only one

but the face of his heart

I see everywhere

Where I walked was the face of Mother's heart, the face of a heart that understood more even though Mother was willing to know less. An era that must continue to move, so when your people question many things and the answer should not be enough with candy from the magic box (television-ed).

Mom, sometimes I think how lucky a creature called a boy is. They can seat themselves more in an existing order. Men may give any label to women, but vice versa, the woman will be questioned about who she is.

When they speak, they are not judged as human beings who think and have the right to express their thoughts, but they are always seen as new women who have always struggled for their existence.

Mother, the eye of the heart who can understand more even though understand less without having to forget the nature of being a woman, wife, and mother. I will not extend the above. I don't want to continue to be caught up in the romance of sadness and surrender. Age has considered a male partner, not just a subject.

Even though we have moved on a lot of things, and only some of us have stood at the forefront, while some of us have had to walk slowly from behind. The fulfillment of the necessities of life that we do is considered meaningless because that is not the main breadwinner, while many of us are considered better than unemployed, only working and not human beings of the same position.

Because they are women, that is preferable, one-sided treatment without the other side by the standard that they will "receive" whatever wages they receive. Meanwhile, in our work treatment, we must exceed their risk.

Meanwhile, other risks that exist are considered suitable and characteristic of the public service bureau. In fact, many of the things we do are self-actualization and empowerment efforts. We also understand and are aware of the nature that is attached to us. What the Creator has created for us is a very honorable position. And that doesn't mean that we feel any more than other creatures.

The uterus is a microcosm like the vast expanse of the earth, while the fetus that will occupy is the macrocosm and that is the unity and power of the Creator. We also believe, Mother, that the purity and sanctity of the origins of descent must be preserved. As great as the existing technology, of course, we as humans are the executors, there are no standard rules that bind it.

Mother, the eye of the heart who can understand more even though understand less without having to forget about human nature. Mother became a hero because of her correspondence lessons, as a medium for channeling aspirations. I have to write and disseminate ideas so that the historical path of women underdevelopment does not get longer. Of course, writing and speaking with a clear purpose, otherwise, that means we "stick to fighting women without measuring ourselves.

Mother, you are the eye of my heart who can understand more even though they know less without having to forget their nature as a wife, and mother.

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Written by
3 years ago


I love ma

$ 0.01
3 years ago

My mum is the best in the world i love my mum to the brim

$ 0.01
3 years ago

We only have one mother so while they are still alive let's treasure every moment with her.

$ 0.01
3 years ago