Let Him Be Mine in One Day

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Shortstory

There is a girl who has cancer that is already severe and even she only has 24 hours of life left .. she once dreamed that she would live the rest of her life with that guy she loved so much and was none other than her ex.

A few days later the boy explained to the girl so that she was given permission so that she could accompany the girl's last days ... and finally the girl agreed that the boy was accompanying the poor girl who was only 24 hours away ... no There are more words in his mind. Actually he is very sick but what can he say he needs it more ..

This morning I had to hold back my tears when the guy he loved so much with the girl who was none other than his own friend ... the time showed at 08.00 am the guy called the girl "assalamu'alaikum dear" then he replied "wa'alaikum greetings dear , make him happy and give him a sweet smile for the end "the guy answered" yes, honey, I'll do it, thanks for agreeing "then the girl answered in teary eyes" yes honey I know how come you're not going to break that promise "

The time showed 10 o'clock the guy to the girl's house was sick to invite her to go for a walk ... during the trip the girl said "thank you for taking me for a walk, I'm very happy" without talking the guy just nodded and smiled

When it showed the number 7 at night ... finally they arrived at the sick girl's house after that they chatted with laughter.

It doesn't feel like it's already showing at 10 o'clock that night the girl is sleeping on the shoulder of the guy with a sweet face, full of joy, and smiling

When the guy was about to hold the girl's face, the girl said (thanks for everything and thanks to your boyfriend, you are here to accompany my days, thank you very much) then she shed tears ... with a surprise the girl called her name and patted -patted her cheek with worry and sadness. She didn't know how to know that the girl was gone .. by holding back her tears she continued to caress her face, she didn't expect that soon she would leave the people who loved her ...

After a day of departure, his family gave a letter that was written to the guy .. (You, the second person after my old man who made me happy and smiled, thank you for making my day colorful even though it's only for a moment, thank you for loaning me a shoulder you for me to sleep comfortably remember me as a healthy girl who never cries for sadness, yeah I love you)

After reading that he ran towards the girl's grave with unbearable tears in his heart boiling sadness and worrying why everything was this fast tuhaaaan

After a while he always imagined that the girl's face was the face that fell asleep on her shoulder for the last time ...

$ 0.57
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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Shortstory
