Learn - A B C D E F -

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3 years ago

Public speaking is not an easy task. There are people whom God has endowed with tongues, fluent in words, exactly poets in front of many people, rhythmic, and singing. There are also those without a text who can compose words, giving sound advice in the soul.

The speech "I have a dream ..." by Martin Luther, is said to be the best public speech in world history. It is not uncommon for people to be able to give in such away. And because of that, one of the necessary criteria for a good leader is that he must be able to deliver public speaking effectively. And I guess this is an important feature that needs to be honed.

Oh, back to my colleague's speech about A, B, C, D, E, and F. These motivational characters can be used as capital to motivate our children in learning.

In learning there must be:

A - Attitude

B - Belief

C - Confident

D - Determination

E - Enthusiasm

F - Fun

G, H, J .... up to Z also seems to have words of wisdom related, but maybe because of the very short assembly time, only F is the closing.

Of course, there will be results from that so it can be continued with:

G - Good

H - Helpful

I - Intelligent

J - Judicious

K - Knowledgeable

And so on until the last letter Z, isn't it very good if we introduce even late letters with good and useful words.

At least motivating the child to recognize the letters and use them in good words will attach to him all the good things he will say later. So that learning is more fun and not boring for our children at home. Hopefully useful.

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$ 0.69 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Wow...so interesting article.. I have learned many unknown information through your article.. 😊 Tnx for sharing this... 💝

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The biggest enemy of man is the language of the mouth and the language of the biggest gunman, so when you speak, you should think about what I am saying.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow amazing . Very nice article dear friend ❤️ this article is very helpful and informative. Nice

$ 0.00
3 years ago