Just a Word

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3 years ago
Topics: Freewriting

Trying to understand whether to love or be loved is certainly not easy. Because a lot of things will happen and it's not easy to pour out. Love is not a word that can easily be interpreted as the amount of love between lovers who love each other or are in love. However, love is very broad and will never run out if it is described only in words.

No, here will not discuss the problem of the word faithful, or the opposite of the word faithful. Or want to describe a feeling of love for someone, questioning, or other forms of prejudice related to the word love. It will only try to describe the word and meaning of love that already exists from every human being born in the world. Love is always synonymous with love and sacrifice. Love is only synonymous with a sense of the meaning of loving and being loved. Is it true?

Love is immeasurable, the length of the distance between a servant and to the Creator. Love is so beautiful , and everyone must have that love. Attention, friendship, family, community or between lovers. Everything grows Based on the word love. Yes, who says love is just between lovers. Between humans and plants, or even animals can be based on the word love.

So large in scope and unlimited. Connect each other with every creature in the universe because love comes from the Creator with his creatures. And created because of the love of the Creator for creatures that are so loved.

The word love is sometimes associated with joy and sorrow. When that love is fulfilled and reciprocated, it will give an extraordinary feeling of love and can only be described by someone who is experiencing it. And likewise, when it is unrequited, there will be pained that cannot be described because it is feeling that is the owner of the disappointment again.

Every taste means to grow because there are senses or feelings. And here, of course, it will be different for each individual. There are those who feel very sensitive, some are not. Some are ordinary, some are extraordinary. But of course everything is still the same, you will definitely feel the love itself.

Every human being has peopled who are very loved and loved. Whether it's for a lover, parent, child, friend, family, animal or plant they love. Everyone must have and feel it. And the way they express or give about the feelings have is certainly not the same. Because every human being is definitely born based on a different individual.

If you are a person who hates the word love, I will dare to say that love is here because how much you want to feel the feelings to love and be loved. Because your hatred for love comes and comes from love itself. So don 't give up because love will come and go. But rest assured that love will come back even in a different form than what we want.

To say myself, how much I felt lost when my mother left me. But walking together when love comes and goes to replace every second of my life's journey. From my wife's love, then disappeared and but then came and was replaced with love given by my children, which until now, I still feel the amount of pleasure and gratitude for the love, they sincerely pour out to themselves until now. And maybe one day I will leave my children , but of course they will find another love for themselves later.

Rest assured love would continue to come in your life. Because there is a love that will never disappear and can only be said to be loyal. The love of the Creator for his creatures. Yes, that is truly and true love, cannot be equated and cannot be followed by humans as humans who often and really like to do a word to forget.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Freewriting
