Is it worth all the gaps that apply?

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Writing, Human, Gaps, Different, ...

The moral is a word that I often use and also adopt in writing. Good in various types of writing categories. Whether interpreting life, interpreting crypto, interpreting the economy, or interpreting politics.

Image by Aamir Mohd Khan from Pixabay 

My only reference is based on the gap that exists in the ecosystem of human life. Where the basic and fundamental are the same as humans but become different because of the condition of human nature.

Smart, stupid, rich, poor, new, old, good, ugly, useful, or useless. And there are many more that cause the problem of gaps in this problem. Not one or two, not in groups or individually. What is certain is that there are many, because almost everyone uses moral conditions inappropriately.

What differentiates us from you, what differentiates them from you, and the same goes for what makes them different from me, and what do they think makes them different from me? Is the problem because of skin, language, ethnicity, religion, or other things?

Is it worth all the gaps that apply?

Nothing really makes a difference. Even when compared to me the richest or smartest people, they are no different from humans. This is the arrogance of human nature which is unconscious and does not want to be acknowledged by ourselves so that in the end there is a gap in life. There is discord in life. There is damage in life. What is clear is the ugliness of the birth of all the resulting differences.

Because this is not humanity but awareness of who we are.



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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Life, Writing, Human, Gaps, Different, ...


Awareness, consciousness of men as observer and participants of this wonderful earth and Universes. Men as Sons, Sons as Gods.

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1 year ago

I hope I can make a difference between good randomness and bad ones!

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1 year ago