Is it bad to marry young?

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4 years ago

Is it bad to marry young? All returned to their perceptions in seeing this phenomenon. Some will say bad. Because young age is not mature enough to foster a once-in-a-lifetime relationship. But there are those who argue otherwise. It's legitimate to get married at a young age. Because age is not a benchmark for someone to become an adult and get married.

Then, does marriage have to look at someone's age? When it's past 30 years, someone is supposed to get married. Meanwhile, if the age of under 25 years old, someone will be deemed not suitable to get married. What do you think?

According to the results of research conducted by The National Center for Health Statistics, marriages conducted between the ages of 12-21 years, 3x more ended in divorce compared to couples who married at a mature age. Data shows that as many as 60% of women under 18 years of marriage end in divorce within 15 years of marriage. Whereas of women who marry at the age of more than 20 years, as many as 40% end in divorce.

From other studies, involving 1,000 men aged 25-34 years as respondents, it was revealed as many as 81% of them believe that age between 25-27 years is the right time to release a single period.

Meanwhile, in terms of women, by the age of 25, most women have completed education, have established careers, and can live separately from their parents.

If we look at most factors in the world, the minimum age for a woman to get married is 17 years. Whereas men are 20 years old.

However, according to the World Health Organization, women will be better prepared to marry if they are 20 years old. "Based on reproductive health, women become better mothers at the age of 20 years,"

If you see from the rules, statistical data, and research results, of course we can conclude our own assessment of marriage at a young age. However, of course marriage cannot be done because of the age factor, right? Of course there are still other important factors that are considered by someone to marry or not.

So, is it good or bad to marry young? All returned to their perceptions.

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Written by
4 years ago


Good work

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4 years ago

In my own observation and reasoning concerning the above topic (is it bad to marry young). There is nothing bad there in as much as you have your mony and can shelter for a family.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

What matters most in marriage is maturity, source of income and love between the two partner. 21yrs is not too young to marry.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I personally believe maturity has nothing to do with age. I believe if the age is legal for marriage, it only depends on mutual commitment and communication to assure success

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes, I agree with you. Because maturity is not seen only by age.

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4 years ago

It is bad to get married young if it's not your own free will and it's bad if you are in the age of 7-16 years old.

There is no age that guarantees a happy marriage and we all will develop. If we, as partners, do not develop into the same way or cannot respect each other a marriage will not work out, neither will any other relationship. 👍💕

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4 years ago