Is Crypto for life is not just a part of life ?

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1 year ago

Live in the meaning of life, survive and be able to live the journey that occurs in life. Whether it can be said as a meaning or a figurative word about the meaning of "life". Looks simple but not as simple as imagined or spoken. Maybe the words eat and drink can represent the meaning of the word "life", which is not just a strand of the final form of forming the meaning of courage to live in life. The concrete turns out to be contradictory about the meaning of "life".

Image by Sergei Tokmakov, Esq. https://Terms.Law from Pixabay 

Living humans must be able to try or in other words try. Where it works as a basis for the form of representation for humans to survive. Which aims to get income that is valued in the form of currency as part of what is received by the human community today.

Crypto exists because it was created and then accepted as a form of currency today. Even though some see the concept as an investment like gold, stocks or something else, some people are also trying and trying to get crypto as a payment for the work they do. And many have used it based on individuals or institutions that have implemented crypto as an alternative currency that is used as a form of payment to their consumers or employees.

Then it comes to my mind personally, is Crypto for life not just a part of life?

Trying to draw a common thread, I started writing because the form of the question tries to generate and lead the opinion from the first paragraph to bring to the form of the question that is present in my mind. At first glance, in my personal opinion, in fact crypto is like a currency or a form of asset that has been recognized as being present, just an invention that is recognized by humans to be used as part of human life in society in order to survive. This means that crypto for life is indeed not just a part of life but a creation so that it can make humans live in life.

Me, you and all of us who are said to be humans without exception hope that we can live a lot in life. Trying to survive the various obstacles that are present at any time even though they are not expected.

Trying and looking to survive day by day in the process of life. Not a fantasy and a dream, because all have the same goal is to be happy. And as an instrument that is said to be a currency or an asset, it is not accidental or forced to be misunderstood as a part of life. Because in one example I wrote expecting a result that is paid from a platform not just as a result that is not considered valuable by me, but a result regardless of the amount of value obtained can fulfill and provide additional benefits to survive in life.


$ 0.16
$ 0.13 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @Duvinca
$ 0.01 from @TheGuy
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Written by
1 year ago
