Is Back to nature not just a dream?

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1 year ago
Topics: Facts, Education, Waste, Garbage, Human, ...

Back to nature ordinary things become unusual. Things that were easy before to do but are getting harder now to feel. Even if it is said that it is still possible and can be obtained, of course, it is not like in the old days when everyone leaving the house could still say the condition was returning to nature.

Is Back to nature, not just a dream?

Technology from the progress of the industrial era has changed and killed many things that definitely exist in nature. Human development and ecology progress of the times have taken a lot of natural ecosystems. Where the existence of ecologies other than humans is exposed and taken by force or slowly in order to achieve success which is said to be modern human ecology.

The natural wealth which is the material of life for every existing ecology is recognized by humans as wealth that must be used and only used by humans. Even though every living creature on this beautiful earth has the same rights to the conditions it was created for. The existence of ecologies other than humans from time to time feels increasingly isolated by the existence of conditions of human ecological surrender at the top of the food chain in the existing ecosystem. Devouring various sources of natural wealth without caring about the damage that is produced in the end.

Even if it is said that awareness does not exist, we can say it is just a lie. As a concrete fact, ignorance of the problem of the condition of the world's community waste is one of the extraordinary things that can be used as concrete evidence of the language of indifference from human existence to natural conditions as a related ecosystem. Human waste that cannot be recycled or destroyed like the waste of other living things if collected globally is not impossible it will beat the height of the peaks of Mount Everest if it is piled up into one at the moment of its existence.

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay 

In fact, waste is a form of damage produced by humans, while pollution is a concrete thing that cannot be seen but in fact, also has a major impact on damage to existing natural ecosystems. Talking about global warming or other things as a result of human ecology is no longer extraordinary, instead, it becomes something that is inserted by other things that turn out to be insignificant if you think about it normally with human reasoning. But once again the mindset and way of life of humans are indeed different, it turns out that today's context is better than yesterday, not the actual better context in the order of life for each individual, but better in terms of the glitter of a life lived.

Nature and its contents, returning to nature if you think about it properly and correctly, maybe should be used as a reminder of the problem of human age, rather than the real purpose of caring for natural ecosystems for life. Isn't it where humans will be buried and reunited with the soil, and it's not where humans were created from the soil? So maybe you will realize easily if you say that because there are no living things in this world that can be immortal and live forever. Even if there is, I also wonder where they will live when this universe is destroyed in time.

The air is clean, the leaves are green, the water is clear and the sun is shining without being hot and stinging. Things that are difficult to get, even if we go to an inland area that has not been touched by human hands at this time, the world we are experiencing today is still a world that is already filled with pollution and natural damage. It is difficult to achieve the condition of returning to true nature for the sake of human existence itself. Again, this condition was predestined to happen, so that in time there will be a reality that this earth is no longer suitable for being a place for human beings to live.


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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Facts, Education, Waste, Garbage, Human, ...


Humans will destroy the world, it's like fate or written future for us. The damage is too much. The place where I live has an AQI Of above 150 which is unfit for breathing. People are dying early from normal diseases, weak body, weak immunity. Bad diet, bad environment. What could save us? As much as I like to be positive, I think we are long gone from reversing the damage, still based on Earth's healing nature there a chance but only if humans let it or support it.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We should be aware of recycling the waste materials, otherwise that will increase and the bad effects of it, the nature would make us suffer in future.

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1 year ago