Insomnia and Anxiety Symptoms

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Based on the results of research conducted by the Study of Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, published by Elsevier, it shows that sleep deprivation is very prone to experiencing fears such as post-traumatic stress disorder or anxiety.

This research was proven by studying 150 healthy adults who were placed in a sleep laboratory. By using a three-phase experimental model to obtain these results. One third of the subjects got normal sleep, one third were sleep restricted and they only slept in the first half of the night. And another third were sleep deprived, so they didn't sleep at all.

From these studies, it was found that people who slept only half the night showed activity anxiety and fear. And at least related to emotional control. Surprisingly, this study showed that people who didn't sleep showed no symptoms of anxiety at all.

With the impact that occurs due to lack of sleep, then, what is actually called anxiety? Fear or anxiety, is a normal condition characterized by feeling nervous and worried about certain situations and conditions.

Psychiatric experts mention several factors that cause anxiety conditions. Such as excessive activity in the part of the brain that controls emotions to experience trauma or stress in the past. This kind of condition is usually characterized by symptoms of panic and excessive phobia.

Distractions like this attack not only mentally, but also physically. For example, feeling worried and restless, irritability, and difficulty sleeping or concentrating. Then, what are the causes?

A study in the "Journal of Psychiatric Research" in 2009 which revealed that anxiety disorders are associated with decreased sleep quality. This situation is like forming a vicious circle, because anxiety disorders can be caused by lack of sleep and its appearance also makes the sufferer difficult to sleep.

In some cases, it is stated that the sufferer may wake up from sleep due to panic attacks at night. These nocturnal panic attacks have the same signs and symptoms as general panic attacks, only they appear while you are sleeping. When this happens, it may be more difficult to fall asleep again.

Night terror, recurring nighttime episodes that occur while sleeping. When the night terrors begin, you will wake up, then may call out, cry, move, or show other signs of fear, anxiety, and anxiety. This condition tends to occur when partially awakened from NREM sleep (slow wave sleep). This occurs during the transition between the various stages of sleep, when you don't wake up, but also don't fully sleep.

However, when someone deliberately begins to remember what happened, it makes him sleep difficult. Because you will automatically feel afraid if the incident will happen again in the next minute.

Regardless of all the symptoms and factors underlying this disorder, there are many cases where treating feelings of anxiety when insomnia (difficulty sleeping) requires a dual approach. Both with psychotherapy and drugs. Or it can also be combined so that you get good results.

The most commonly prescribed drugs are benzodiazepines. But before consuming it, it would be nice to consult a doctor who is trusted to handle cases like this. In addition, if you are doing treatment with psychotherapy or mental improvements, you can try doing things like slowly inhaling before bed. With this, the body automatically feels a little relaxed and isn't in any danger.

Have a healthy sleep pattern, don't consume caffeine before bed, turn off all electronic devices, and create a comfortable bedroom to rest. Constant anxiety that makes it difficult to sleep at night can affect quality of life.

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Topics: Writing
