If - Supposing

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3 years ago

For the word, if, suppose, and many others, the expression of the word will connote a dream or hope for an event that is not in accordance with one's wishes.

Many things happen in life, every result of a thing or event. Whether it's good or bad in the end sometimes it will give birth to a better hope for the desired result. It is human nature that has been born to say discontent and disapproval of destiny or fate.

Examining this problem arises about the word lust that has been created in every human being. It cannot be denied or denied its existence.

Mostly, this feeling often arises or comes out when we are hit by a problem or sadness that hit so it can be said as a word of regret. Whether in the form of heartache, accident, being left behind, divorce, or various other things that are imagined if only taking a different path, the results may be different or are expected to be better.

Yes, a word of regret for all failures and mistakes in past decisions. I don't know if it was a long time ago or it just happened. But do all those regrets really end well or in accordance with the desired result?

If you think about it, it's not necessarily if it can happen, but in reality, it's also impossible to go back in time just to fix the mistakes that have been made.

Regret can be taken as a positive step to accept it as a lesson in life's journey. Both bad and good. And returning to the nature of human beings as servants, they must be able to judge the decisions that occur. So that there will be an attitude of being careful, and really afraid of the power of the Almighty.

Regret is a basic human attitude that cannot be denied but can be used as self-improvement to organize a better life in the future so that despair can be avoided. And feel that eternal life does not exist.

Many things if we study and do are done as a flashback to the journey of life. The various words "Ah, If..." will certainly often be said or thrown without us realizing it. Either clearly spoken or only said in the heart. That is the nature of the awareness of how conscious we are as humans. So that you can realize that everything has been determined.

Are we still arrogant, and underestimate others? Humans socialize, communicate, need each other, and are connected to each other. Whether consciously or unconsciously by ourselves.

The word if or other representative words that have the same meaning will only blind our eyes about the meaning of the word being lulled by the word dream and unable to accept the reality that has happened. Weakening the spirit of life and causing a lazy attitude in the end. Because the word if, supposing, or the same meaning as the word is just an expression that you will not be able to accept the decision that has been decided by the Sangaha Power.

It is not easy to be aware of and escape from this word. Because we humans are full of various desires which when expressed are full of greed for happiness.

It's not wrong to chase happiness, it's not wrong to dream of chasing something better, it's okay to have an attitude of regret. But grow it into a lesson and self-motivation to be able to move forward and move on. Make it motivation from the adversity that exists. Humans are not all born equal and certainly different.

So the conclusion may be short of self-control and acceptance of all that is happening. Hopefully, it can be reference material especially for myself for me to keep trying to move forward and accept all the decisions that have been made.


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

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Written by
3 years ago


I strongly believe that we can turn regrets into lessons that we should put in our heart. So that, when the time comes that we encounter the same situation again, we will be able to handle it rightly.

$ 0.05
3 years ago

Letting regrets be a lesson to grow and move forward.💕 We also need to accept the fact that some things aren't meant for us.

$ 0.05
3 years ago