Hurry back home, Dad!

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Written by
3 years ago

It's been more than an hour I've sat daydreaming in the garden, imagining being able to take a vacation to Puncak breathing the cool air while spoiling my eyes with the beauty of the tea plantations. After that, maybe I will stop by the Safari Park to feed deer, lions, and other animals or can enjoy the calm of a hot bath in Ciseeng. Puncak is the right place to unwind. Oh, I think I can too.

"Aria!" My beautiful daydreams shattered when Mother called.

"Yes, Mom?" I answered.

"Already evening now. Come on in, get ready to break the fast. You make the compote, you know. "

Well, maybe this is an alarm to end my daydreams that will somehow come true. Since the outbreak of a virus that has shaken the world lately, my older sister, Ema, and my younger brother, Rafa, and my mother, have had to go through days of fatherless fasting.

My father is a doctor, after the corona case in The City increased sharply, he could not go home. The four of us can only greet him occasionally via video call. Apart from his busy schedule, he doesn't want to take the risk of becoming a carrier if he has to come home every day. The backbone of our family now lives in the quarantine house provided by the hospital. The house was used as a temporary residence for medical personnel.

Saturdays or Sundays, we usually go to Timezone to play various games or choose to just watch a movie together at home. Even when the month of Ramadan feels good, we can have a meal and break the fast together every day. For now, maybe we should take a break from dawn and break the fast.

It was even more heartbreaking when I found out that my father had been in contact with a dishonest positive patient. My mind immediately messed up. Do you wear complete personal protective equipment? Is he well enough to handle this patient? Was he in direct contact with the patient? And there are still many questions that arise in my head.

To minimize the risk, of course, he must be isolated. Several times I had the desire in my heart to go to the hospital to make sure my father was really well and could bring him his favorite vitamins and ginger.

God is really all good. After 14 days of isolation, my father's swab test was negative. I feel that being grateful is not enough to thank God. Even so, the rare communication left me haunted by anxiety.

The worry that builds up can't go away until it's over. In fact, I might even have run out of words to express it. Not infrequently, I feel like crying seeing the many medical personnel who have died. Can not imagine if it is father.

It is furious when I see so many selfish people hanging out and underestimating this virus. Not to mention, the many dishonest patients made it even more complicated. Are these people not heeding the government's advice? In fact, massive recommendations from the government have been broadcast on various communication media to stay at home if you don't have important needs.

Being at home for a long time is not a pleasure. Our brains become bored with doing the same activities every day. Not to mention, we have to deal with the pressure of reporting about positive cases that are increasingly becoming. Even so, that doesn't mean we all can unwind by hanging out in cafes, right? This saturation is very disproportionate to the medical personnel who work every day. In fact, they have to endure homesickness in order to protect those around them.

"Mom, Dad when are you coming home?" said Rafa when we were eating together.

"In a few days maybe Daddy will come home, honey," said Mother.

Rafa often asks when dad will come home. Understandably, he is still five years old. Cry too often too. Sometimes I can't bear to see it. Not only Rafa, I know that Mother also has a lot of worry for my father. It can be seen from the look on his face, which occasionally looks clear, showing a hint of longing. Father and Mother are sharing tasks. Father takes care of his family by not coming home, Mother keeps his family at home.

When I passed the calendar, I immediately thought. Next month is my birthday. Every year without being absent the whole family always celebrates my birthday. Father, Mother, Brother, and Rafa, who although only five years old, also celebrate. But apparently not with this year, maybe I can call to make sure he can come home or not.

"Hello, Aria. Sorry, this is Sister Mila, your father is still in the isolation room handling patients. Sister will tell you later if you call. "

"OK, Sus. Thank you."

Again, I failed to contact Dad. It's been three days I haven't gotten a call from him. Even though I know he's fine through the photo he sent this morning, I'm still nervous because I haven't heard his voice lately.

"Why haven't you slept yet? It's hard to get up for the meal, ”asked Mother, feeding me apples.

"Mom sad, no, with the situation like now? Usually, right, we are always busy joking with my father during the fasting month. "

"Yes, it is sad for sure. My mother is also tired of having to wait for everything to go well, while many people just don't want to work together. Your father is not young anymore, Mother is very worried about his health. " I listened carefully to my mother. “This kind of situation definitely nobody wants. Wait, yes. Hopefully, everything will end quickly, "he continued.

The only thing that goes through my mind every night is when will this all end? Is there a guarantee that you will always be healthy? Stay healthy, Dad. Aria really missed it.

The end.

Thanks to Anthony Tran for sharing their work on Unsplash.

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Written by
3 years ago


It's always like that, life of health professionals are always at stake. But thank God your Dad is now fine. And you're right, many underestimate this pandemic, and some are dishonest, they don't mind the risk of keeping their symptoms. Really hate those selfish people. Anyway, wherever you will go, always take precautions and wear personal protective devices agaisnt this virusn

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank goodness the father is still healthy. By the way this just only my fiction story not the real life. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

😅 i really thought it's real. 😂😂 very good story then

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you @jane, maybe this is because of the feeling I want to have what most people feel, namely Dad because I was not raised by a good and responsible father. But even so, after I became a parent I used to hate him now slowly giving him the opportunity to consider him a father. Hopefully, I can be a father who is always loved, protected, and loved by my children.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I haven't raised by a good father too. Our father was always away, visited home 3-4 times a year only because of his job.. at when he's at home, he's so strict and always mad.. we grew up that we aren't close to him..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This pandemic affects us very much in different ways. Families missing their family members because they are front liners. Others were apart from each other because of ECQs or lockdown. Some don't have work and are having difficulty how to survive without a source of income and a lot more but what can we do.? This virus has enveloped us that it didn't give us a chance to breathe. Be strong dear and don't let your defenses go down.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The situation is hard for sure but for everyone who keeps working. Not doctors only. With us shops kept open and many caretakers kept working in homes (not only for the elderly). I find it hard to build an opinion about this virus. The infected increased (over 50%) but they are all 20+ years old, do not end up in hospital. We had a flue in the winter of 2018/2019 and many died. During this flu all people we're taken to hospital. With covid-19 the government refused the elderly. The fact so many died was not because of the virus but people refusing to treat them. I am not afraid to get infected (I had plenty of virus illnesses) or to die because of covid-19. I am not going to blame others for spreading it either. I hope your father is fine.

@charmingcherry08, @Clarissa_KG, @esciisc, @gerl, @Hanzell, @heartbeat1515, @Jane, @lioness777, @marblely, @Mehedi01, @psychie, @Urmeelaurmee122, @Xzeon, @Jdine

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hope Aira dad will come home before her upcoming birthday,, And stay healthy to her family and especially her dad,. Having a frontliner family members in this situation and pandemics really brought a saddness and worry feelings..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow very good article it is indeed I appreciate your written skills please keep writting

$ 0.00
3 years ago

great post

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow Wow Wow





$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Keep writing

$ 0.00
3 years ago