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According to Wikipedia, people who like to shut down or withdraw (not withdraw coin 😊) from society do not completely shut themselves down. Especially if he is still actively playing on social media. Many factors cause them to have to withdraw. Usually because of having severe trauma when socializing with many people, experiencing failure, victims of abuse, different from the majority, their opinions are always broken, and many more. Hikikomori (引 き こ も り, ひ き こ も り, or 引 き 籠 も り is withdrawal, isolation. This is a Japanese term for a phenomenon among adolescents or young adults in Japan who withdraw and withdraw from social life. The term hikikomori refers to social phenomena in general at the same time. Designation for people who belong to this social group.

Sociologically, hikikomori is a social disease. They can do it for months, even more than six months and some reach annual. By the way is not bored and too busy? Horrified is it, not a few Hikikomori offenders cut ties with his core family. Then who are your friends with me? Dora maybe? 🤣🤣🤣

In fact, they don't have friends in the real world, but many friends in cyberspace. So anti-social in the real world, but very active in the virtual world. In fact many are like that. And now it has begun to spread to various parts of the world, because cyberspace is very easy to hide their own identity.

Maybe for me right now what we can do is take precautions. We must maintain good interaction with family, especially family support. Because listening to a complaint and helping to solve a problem like discussing really prevents Hikikomori. In addition, deepening science and religion is also important. The more extensive knowledge, the more difficult we are not trapped misleading information.

People who like to close themselves or withdraw from society do not completely shut themselves down. Especially if he is still actively playing on social media. Many factors cause them to have to withdraw. Usually because it has a trauma that is so imprinted and difficult to remove, when socializing with many people, experiencing failure, victims of abuse, different from the majority, their opinions are always broken, and many more.

Maybe in closing the discussion I invite you to not be trapped in the digital world that is currently very influential in our lives. Indeed, currently in the midst of the corona outbreak we are made to temporarily be active at home and socialize through cyberspace. But when this pandemic ends, it is hoped that we can leave all of this instead of becoming a habit which later forms us to be anti-social in the real world, especially choosing to follow in the footsteps of the Hikikomori.

Warm greetings from me. ❤🧧 #staysafe

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Right now I am definitely a hikikomori

$ 0.00
4 years ago

hahahaha, lol.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Interesting. So it is a disease because?

There's nothing wrong with bring anti-social in real life. Many people are and not only sick, traumatized people, introvert or autistic people. The main problem is people are noisy and not each one of us likes to in the middle of a group shouting people asking for attention.

Some people are sensitive others extra sensitive. It's way more peaceful in your own home. The good thing about the internet contacts is you can respond and leave, shut down and have your peace.

Thanks to the lockdown this is the new normal. 👍💕

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4 years ago