Harmony with Nature

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In harmony with nature is a behavior or action that does not damage the natural environment. Trying to harmonize nature also preserves our life patterns

So, basically this behavior is intended to care for nature.

We know the consequences if nature is not treated. Even though it is clear and certain that what is harmed is the humans themselves, and the consequences can be very heavy.

Protecting the environment or nature is our shared duty. Because of course, the ones who get the good benefits are us.

Some of the things below may be examples of behavior in harmony with nature, where we can take or do from small actions but it can have a very big impact for us.

  • Do not litter

  • Clean the gutter so it doesn't get clogged

  • Select selective logging

  • Reforestation

  • Do not hunt protected animals

  • Planting trees around the environment so it is not arid

  • Does not damage coral reefs

  • Catching fish that have been grown and small are left free

  • Manage plastic waste, such as used bottles so that they can provide income.

  • Organic waste is processed into compost and not thrown away

  • Use organic fertilizers and do not use chemical fertilizers

  • Planting mangroves to prevent abrasion

  • Making biopori to prevent flooding

  • Use cloth bags to reduce plastic usage

  • No need to ask for plastic when shopping can be put in a bag

Seen from a few examples of the above may be part of a small thing. But the benefits are many because we are facilitated and avoid disasters that can cause many losses.

Yes, maybe too naive of what I said, but at least I try to hold everyone responsible for their own environment. Because it can start from small things, both at home and outside that is our responsibility.

Because Nature is very beautiful and is very important for our lives. Nature and a clean environment, of course, we will enjoy it ourselves later.

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I wish if everybody in the world we have a self discipline the world would have been a better place for us to to leave nice article keep it up

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is always good to be aware of the Bature and the footprints we leave behind but it goes much further. We should not hunt. Nature can take care if itself. We should not set animals free from breeders because they harm the nature. The nature can and will balance itself unless we keep interfering. It is what we do on a daily base. Using fridges, sprays, pesticides etc. πŸ‘πŸ’•

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4 years ago

YES, we should. May all want to be aware of the importance of protecting the environment around us.

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4 years ago

yes,we should to treat nature properly.or balance of nature will lost.this will be very harmful for us.thanks for sharing us this article.

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4 years ago

Thank you for reminding people of the best ways to treat nature. Our environment must be conserved and balanced for good health. Thanks.

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4 years ago

Although only in the form of writing and solicitation. Not advice. Just want to remind of the importance Nature for us. :)

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4 years ago

But today, it is sad that many people lack discipline and harms nature carelessly. Like the one I saw on the news lately, that there are a lot of PPEs found in the sea. Specially disposable masks. This is because they're not disposed properly.

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4 years ago

The harsh reality is indeed, but from learning the current COVID problem. Hopefully, we learn the importance of protecting the natural environment around us

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4 years ago

True, if only all the people in the world have a self discipline. We can preserve our nature. But sad to say many people dont care about it😒 They dont even care.

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4 years ago