Happy Life Without Prejudice!

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3 years ago

Life is an art in realizing that there are many people with a myriad of opinions, thousands of arguments, and many diverse points of view. It is undeniable that sometimes humans unconsciously make judgments about their attitudes, behavior, appearance, habits, and even comment on other people's lives.

The desire to judge others without knowing whether our assumptions are correct or not is called prejudice. Prejudice against others can be in the form of an assessment of habits, culture, clothes, ways of speaking, and so on.

The connotations of prejudice tend to be negative. Often you judge them based on your own perspective and without a clear basis. Prejudice can both generate jealousy and cause us to interfere in other people's affairs.

Doesn't that just bother your own mind? It could be that your happiness is lost because you are busy judging others. The more you mature, the more you understand and realize that humans are created with two opposite sides, namely the negative side and the positive side. Before you become prejudiced against other people, try to remember the positive things and kindness that someone has done for you.

Eliminate prejudice in yourself, there will certainly be no gap for prejudice in your mind. Come on, starting from now on challenge yourself to stop judging others without evidence and see the positive side of every human being.

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Choose to be happy nobody will do it for you

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3 years ago

Life is amazing. Just we have to live it happily. We have not to spend it being sad. We have to find the ways to be happy. Find the sources of happiness. Live the life enjoy the life.

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3 years ago