Gold, Bitcoin and US Dollar

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1 year ago

So far, gold is a tangible asset whose price tends to rise in line with the increase in the cost of goods. And it's not without proof that gold is still a better hedge than Bitcoin.

In a process that went hand in hand with the weakening of the dollar and the crisis in the banks a few days ago the FED then raised interest rates to stem the problem from deepening and the impact of this increase in interest rates provided a weakening of the intangible asset Bitcoin at the end of this week.

Indeed Bitcoin is still one of the best assets from asset conditions that can be said to be as unstable in value. However, the increase a few days ago at least shows how volatile the value of Bitcoin is when decisions and problems in the banking world happens. At least make more than 30% of the increase that occurred before this weekend experienced get weakening again.

But on the other hand, the condition of gold which is relatively stable from year to year provides more security and calm in maintaining the portfolios of a number of investors. Where even though the increase in gold as a tangible asset cannot go through conditions of increasing value such as bitcoin intangible assets, gold is still one of the assets that is still said to be the best investment choice for a number of investors.

So on the one hand, good things can be taken from market and economic conditions globally, meaning that for now the US dollar is a hedge that can no longer be considered a hedge in the capital market, on the other hand, for hedges, gold investment is the best choice as an asset. investment options and bitcoin needs to be studied for macro-condition problems where if the interest rate rises then bitcoin is an option and if the interest rate is low then bitcoin can be an alternative choice as an investment option.


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1 year ago


For me Gold is the best thing to invest in. Because in crypto it is much riskier to invest but if you choose the best token then you could succeed.

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1 year ago