Four of the most popular Cryptocurrency at this time

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Bitcoin has become one of the most sought after and sought after commodities along with gold throughout 2020. How could I not, when the prices of a number of other commodities had been rendered helpless by the pressure of the Covid-19 pandemic, the exchange rates of the two commodities had actually soared.

One of the nature of bitcoin and gold transactions that do not recognize regional boundaries is the main attraction for the public so that investing in the form of these two commodities can avoid potential losses from potential foreign exchange differences and inflation.

Although it must be recognized by the public so far it is still only familiar with the cryptocurrency that was first created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. Some other cryptocurrency is also known to be quite reliable and on several occasions also experienced significant price spikes as well as bitcoin.

Following are the five most popular cryptocurrency lines in the past year.

1. Bitcoin (BTC)

As a pioneer as well as an "ancestor" in the cryptocurrency industry, it is natural that until now bitcoin is still the prima donna and most favored by the public. With its position as the oldest crypto asset, its user community is also relatively the most numerous compared to other cryptocurrency. In addition, because it has been the longest traded, bitcoin is the most easily searched cryptocurrency and is always available on the exchange.

2. Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum became the second cryptocurrency most known to the public after bitcoin. Created in 2015 by Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum is actually more than just a digital currency, but a blockchain-based platform that can be used to develop decentralized applications and smart contracts.

3. Ripple (XRP)

Compared to bitcoin and Ethereum, Ripple has far more unique characteristics because it only focuses on solving problems relating to only one industry, namely for international payment transfer tools. Because since it was founded it was only to focus on problems in one industry to be resolved, the ripple has the privilege of being a much faster transaction time compared to bitcoin and Ethereum.

4. Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

As the name implies, Bitcoin Cash is one of the branches of bitcoin that was released in 2016, precisely when bitcoin developers did not agree on the code changes needed at BTC. Bitcoin Cash was also deliberately created to answer the weaknesses of bitcoin all this time, namely related to scalability and transaction costs. If in bitcoin the transaction fee is still US $ 1.8 per transaction, bitcoin cash only applies a transaction fee of US $ 0.067 per transaction.

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It's been about a decade since Bitcoin expanded currency into the digital space of the internet. Since that time, it's remained the most popular cryptocurrency in the world.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Good job done! BCH is solving the problems BTC could not solve, and is making a headway for mass adoption.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thanks for this information. The four cryptocurrencies are really making waves and leading at all costs.

$ 0.00
4 years ago