For those of you who are adults without a mother

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4 years ago

Losing a mother figure is everyone's nightmare. It doesn't matter what number you are, because, in front of the mother, you are still like her little baby who she will continue to love. If you can hope, everyone wants to always live beside their mother, because no one is really ready to be apart from her.

But, whose life is inseparable from trials? Others may be tested by a lack of possessions, physical deficiencies, or other forms of trials. And apparently, God tested you by losing one of your dear ones. For those of you who were left behind by the mother before adulthood, hopefully, this sentence can re-awaken your spirit to live a life full of gratitude and happiness.

  • You may be sad, but you can't be a loser

Sadness is not something that is haram, but it becomes forbidden when we are immersed in it. In fact, it seems like something is wrong if you don't feel sad when you lose your parents, but believe me, your mother also doesn't want you to lose to sadness because of her leaving.

Be sad, but still leave room in your heart for happiness. When your heart is sincere with God's decree, that's where happiness will fill your heart again. And you will climb one or more steps to maturity.

  • God is not punishing you

The figures of mother and father are equally important, but because the mother is the first school for her children, the mother's departure often gives the biggest mental shock to a person. It was Mother who spent the most time with us, introducing the world and being the most influential in shaping our character. That is why for someone who loses a mother at the age before adulthood will feel very heavy.

One thing you need to understand is that you are able to deal with it. That's why God chose you to endure the trials because, without the presence of a mother, you will turn into a mature person in a faster time.

  • Become a successful person

Keep loving and cherishing your mother with all your heart, but immediately end your sadness. You may indeed lose your mother figure, but it is not only her who loves you. There are still fathers, brothers, relatives, and friends. Be strong for their sake. Because your prolonged sadness will only hurt their hearts.

You need to dare to smile so that you can regain the strength to continue pursuing a successful life dream.

Mother is always the place to go home. A place for you to tell your hopes. A place to lean on when you are tired, and a place to pit when you are worried about the future. But when the mother has been called by the Almighty, your job is not to lament, but to pray for her.

Just like a mother, we will return to God. The final place of all returns. Whether we are mom or dad, we're only a matter of time difference. Life is like that, there are always people who leave, and some are left.

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Written by
4 years ago


I never really had a mother. It's what I figured out at a very young age. I am not sure if it is a lost.

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4 years ago

I have a lot of mother. My mom, My stepmom, and my mother-in-law. I dont have have a special memories bout them but still I'm still thankfull i have them all.

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4 years ago

It’s not every day that we take the time to let them know how grateful we are for everything they’ve done for us. Maybe we believe that’s just their duty and we don’t even think to thank them, but the following mom quotes will give you an idea on what motherhood really means and why it should be appreciated

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4 years ago