Everything has a limit

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Written by
4 years ago (Last updated: 3 years ago)

Do as you wish. Free to do anything. Maybe and it is fine. Because life is indeed what we live.

But we must know and understand, anything in this world. There must be a limit. Do we just know our limits or not? Or do we really not set a limit yet?

Once again, everything has its limits. Age has a limit. Eating has a limit. Working has its limits. Even problems have their limits. Our house with a neighbor's house also has a limit. Most importantly, our lives have limits. We cannot refuse when that limit comes .....

If today, there are still those among us who are at odds. Arguing and disputing. Wake up, because everything has its limits. For what we insist, emotions when all that will be limited. Will end. And vanished as if in vain.

Ranks, positions, assets, and wife or children even though finally there are limits. Then why are we being arrogant? Maintaining swagger? How can we bully ourselves or others continuously? Never mind, everything must have a limit.

Why is it important that we know the limits?

Certainly, so that our lives are happy. Not eroded by personal lust and ego. Because the purpose of life is not to succeed, not to get rich. But to know our limits.

Yes, LIMIT. So we know what we have to do and what we shouldn't do. In order to know what you want and what you don't want. Once again, everything has its limits.

Think freely. Acting freely. Not that without limits. Life also needs tolerance. Need understanding. Life also needs harmony. Even sometimes, it takes a colorful life. Then it is absolutely impossible, we live with our own free will. Live as you wish. Because everything, there are limits.

Then, what exactly is the limit of our lives?

The answer is simple again, we must not exceed our abilities. That is all. Only 3 things that we may have no limit. Anything?

First, Effort. Second, prayer. And third, Tawakal in God's way. That means, we have set our limits ... Remember knowing and having limits is important !!

And remember all those lives will die there is no eternal word for a human.

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Written by
4 years ago (Last updated: 3 years ago)


I am a new comer... Subscrib me plz.. I hv done urs 😇

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3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good Post..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice one

$ 0.00
3 years ago

100% right article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes you are right! 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago

excellent content thank you so much for this article i really love it

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Everything must have limit in life. Whatever done in excess will always lead to trouble. Thanks for reminding us.

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4 years ago