Enjoy the Time

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3 years ago

Just a scribble from everyday life that is usually passed in everyday life. Scribble about this day where one is in a good mood and hopefully this can be created every moment in the future. Even if it's just an impossible hope.

Usually as soon as the sun appears the bridge of the nose, something that is often done after taking care of all the needs of children, I go straight to the place where I usually unwind.

Move to close my eyes to give this body time to release all the tiredness that has been passed. But on this day it was a little different than usual. I still feel enough energy for activities and want to invite my children to go outside to feel the comfortable morning atmosphere today.

Even if it's just a breath of air that feels good with full of positive energy that we can get this morning. Yes, somehow today there is a difference where I feel so uncomfortable as usual. Feel calm, peaceful and get excess energy to get through this morning.

While writing today's condition, I still haven't found an answer to this. What's wrong, because what if I feel such a positive feeling this morning. Trying to find and remember what happened before. Nothing seems different and everything is still the same. Nor was there any influence from something new or about anything that used to make him so happy.

Yes, rather than busy thinking about or looking for the cause I put it I should just enjoy it. And I poured it into another useless scribble that I made and made an article to read later. At least this can provide added value for me even though it's just a free note that I have made.

How positive this morning's energy makes me so excited about the life process that I'm living. Together with the children add milai plus which I feel so good with them. Seeing them laughing happily running here and there as we walked through the morning atmosphere in the city where we currently live.

I was reminded of our trip to this city in the past. A remote city disuxut a Sumatran archipelago. It is surrounded by thousands of flowing rivers, and is covered with dense peat soil. This city was once known as the no.1 coconut producing city in my country. It's here in a city where I don't have a destination that I thought I could arrive and live in this city until recently. Together with the children, we have spent more than two years in this city without realizing it. Lots of things happened, and if you think about how all the otu managed beyond my logic to get through all this to this day.

I am so grateful to be able to experience all of this. I feel how great God's gift is to us. And I really want to cry in complaining of words asking forgiveness to the Creator who gave such an extraordinary life for me. Yes, even though it's only me who feels because this is my journey, at least maybe everyone has a different story but gets the same blessing from the Creator.

Too often and maybe almost all of my boring writings only revolve around life or the word God. Not to try to invite other people primarily, but basically as a source for yourself and motivate for this diro. All of that is none other than because I feel how the life that has been lived all this cannot be separated from His grace for me in particular, so I make things that are always created and try not to forget about this so that I can always remember His love.

The atmosphere this morning was so delicious, and made me more aware of the gift from the Creator. And it makes me continue to remember good and bad things, of course it applies to be lived and full of wisdom from it all. A feeling that cannot be felt all the time. Where sometimes feeling upset, or was was, more often than not dominate the soul. Just remembering it will it fade a bit and I hope it slowly fades away from it. Anxiety will of course always be there, but at least it doesn't make you feel hopeless to keep going through the life I am living.

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Written by
3 years ago


Every morning comes woth a new hope and allow us to enjoy life. Every moment which we spend with happy mood give us great memories for later on. Indeed everything God has created the best.

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