Electric Cars and Pollution Repair Efforts

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2 years ago

Electric cars are now starting to be used in every country. For developed countries such as the United States, Britain, Germany, France, and Japan, it may not be a new thing about the problem of the presence of electric cars at this time. However, for developing countries, such is still a new thing and a new phenomenon that is being talked about.

The presence of electric cars has actually been very long and there have been quite a lot of creations from the era before as fast as it is today. And maybe Tesla is indeed a market breaker that makes electric cars and can be said to be a combination with smart cars increasingly known.

Even though big manufacturers both in Europe and Asia have actually been preparing for the problem of procuring this electric car. And often proclaimed as the car of the future. Where the goal is created and created is the problem of reducing air pollution produced by vehicles that have been present and widely used.

Air pollution is indeed a thorny problem for world affairs. The fall into global affairs. Where pollution from vehicles makes the earth's climate worse. So that the various issues and damage are starting to be felt at this time. What is more clear now is that it has also become a new problem apart from the problem of covid 19, which is the problem of climate change that has occurred.

Electric cars are expected to provide an answer to the pollution problem that has already occurred. And its presence is now starting to be crowded and has been widely used. However, the presence of electric cars also has new obstacles going forward. The problem of where the battery charging is still not widely available. And the use of electricity is quite large too in the end. Where the magnitude of the electric car voltage is quite large. The greater the voltage, the better the performance and the longer the distance.

Electricity is still generated largely by using coal and existing earth raw materials. Reduction of the use of earth's resources is of course also considered with the use of turbines or electricity from wind, water, or solar power. The most widespread and problem is the level of construction which is quite expensive. It all has consequences.

Speaking of positive and negative ratings, electric cars certainly have more positives. Whereas the priority of its creation is to reduce pollution problems but also add new things about the creation of smart cars. The average electric car can now be said to have used a computerized and fully automatic system. This makes it more comfortable and makes the driver more comfortable. Well, if it's easier and more comfortable, of course, there will be new problems in the future. Congestion problem. Yes, because the easier it is, there will probably be more people who can bring their own cars. And as a result, there will be more and more road users later. If that happens of course there will be new regulations and policies of course.

Yes, even if it's just a possibility. But at least we can enjoy and see the results of new innovations in this era. Smart cars do not produce pollution. The sound is quiet and comfortable to drive. Its presence is now starting to be crowded and its use is also increasing and many can be felt. Not only electric cars, the existence of electric motors is also increasingly popular today. Advances in the world of transportation. Then the question arises for me, will there be a ship or an electric plane in the future? Maybe it's been a development of course. Through a variety of research and preparation for experts in their fields. And maybe in the end there will be drones that can carry humans later.

$ 9.53
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Written by
2 years ago


Electric cars looks more likely to being the answer to our problematic atmosphere that have been filled with s much pollutions that are caused by the constant usage of the petroleum cars though, it can not be taken Away from the fact that yet the electric cars have been able to help in the reduction of the damage caused by the cars usage of the premium motor spirit, yet it transcends to a handful of danger noticeable by a lack of major roads to accommodate these newer innovated cars as much as the risks of having some notable electric damage that could render the driver almost helpless and almost in a hapless condition should there be a break down which are of course very much bound to happen. We all hope for the best no doubts.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Electric cars has been a great innovation since it can lessen the pollution but as you said it's inevitable to have problems in the future especially those automatic cars who operates on their own. I just hope that it will not cause a big problem in the future.

$ 0.05
2 years ago