Earning can be simple

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1 year ago

What can crypto do for us, this a simple question but one that fills a thousand different answers. Depending on each answer, will imply a problem with the condition of one's heart, mind, understanding, or views when asked a question like this. there will be a long essay answer form and there will also be a short, concise, and clear answer form. Filling issues contain positive or negative depending on the constraints or conditions of the person while navigating the existence of the crypto world itself.

The form of my title this time implies the ease of earning, whether various kinds of things are done or held as if crypto provides easy access for everyone to get income in crypto.

The project is the basis for something or someone's work to get results. Maybe it can be said that the earnings will be in the form of rewards for things that have been done. such as giveaways, airdrops, tasks, blogging, tipping, staking, mining, painting, posting, scamming, hacking, begging, talking, cheating, developing, or other things in the realm of the digital world.

Among the many tasks that can be carried out, crypto indeed provides a way of convenience for funders and fund seekers. Like a ray of light in the existence of a human realm full of life's ups and downs. Helped and helped, that's the sweet prose that can be said in the presence of crypto creation. But misleading also weakens the condition of honesty in the inner side of each person.

The world of crypto in the world for humans in the sentence "earning can be simple" is very nuanced with endless traps every second of time. Trapping one's condition and thinking to produce something in the process of life, in reality, nothing is easy, everything requires sacrifice. As if deceiving every human body, trapped in the allegory of eating "convenience".

It looks like a sweet opening ends in pain that cuts and squishes the existence of crypto if you listen to this article, isn't it? Do I want to point to the sheer negative side of crypto creation? Maybe the thing that I can give an answer to the question that is present in the minds of every reader who really reads is "your freedom to fantasize about the meaning of this writing."

Not once will not discuss the meaning of cornering. Just making an effort to be aware of every choice you make is a heart-building sign of what “crypto presence was created” means. We hope a lot from the partners of funders, developers, and users to make their hearts aware of the meaning of "Usability in real human life". so that it can be concluded the true value of human needs. Because at the core of the basic similarities that exist within every human being is happiness, not pain.

As a comparison, interpreting what is written this time is to ask your heart to interpret the honesty that has been implied by yourself. Because the basic thing is that we all humans need each other.


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Written by
1 year ago
