Dutch Girl in White Dress

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Short Story, Ghost

The day off has come, my friends and I are going to the top of my family's villa. My name is Vino, I am a student of. My friends are Ratna, Jesika, Robert Diana, and Aldi. We immediately left.

And we arrived at the Villa. the view at the top is very beautiful, seen from the balcony of the villa, the air at the top is very fresh. This villa owned by my family is very spacious, beside the villa, there is a clean and spacious swimming pool. The swimming pool is located on the right side of the villa, while on the left side of the villa you can see a vast and dark jungle. It is said that the forest contains many stories. There was a Dutch girl who died because of being bitten by a poisonous snake, there was also a little girl who died horribly because she was wrapped in a tree branch until her legs cracked, there was also a little girl playing in the forest who suddenly disappeared, and the next day the girl was found dead wearing a long white dress and red eyes in an unnatural state. That's what people say around him. Maybe it's just a myth or a story made up by the people.

This villa provides complete facilities, available 7 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1 kitchen, 1 dining room, 2 lounge rooms, 1 living room and there is another room above 1 music band room, 1 study room, 1 library, 1 clothes storage room. and 2 storage warehouses.

Understandably this villa is a Dutch heritage and the certificate has been purchased by my family. so the building is very much like a Dutch building which is spacious and luxurious.

That night we chose to divide the bedroom. Aldi and I will sleep in the first room, Robert will sleep alone in the second room, while Ratna, Jesika, and Diana will sleep in the third room.

At night Diana could not fall asleep, and meanwhile, Ratna and Jesika were fast asleep. The windows were left open, with the curtains hovering in the gust of wind, the wall clock reading precisely 12:45 in the morning. She felt that she heard the sound of footsteps and a girl's laughter that sounded faintly in his ears.

She tried to approach and follow the voice, and when she arrived in front of the jungle she saw someone from a distance. Diana approached the girl, and it turned out that the girl was a Dutch blonde, dressed in a white and beautiful face, she was a ghost, the girl was carrying a knife that was covered in blood.

Diana immediately shouted and ran towards the inside "Aaaaaaa ..." Diana shouted and approached Ratna and Jesika. Ratna and Jesika immediately got up after hearing Diana's screams. "What's wrong with you, why are you screaming?" Jesika asked Diana, "I saw none Dutch, her face was pale white, her eyes were red and she was carrying a knife covered in blood, I noticed that she was a ghost, none Dutch. I'm really scared. " Said, Diana. "Yes, tomorrow we will talk about this problem, now we sleep first, now it's two o'clock at night." Said Ratna.

The next day Diana immediately told her friends what happened last night. "How come this forest can be haunted, what's the story Vin?" said Robert. "Yes, this forest is really scary." Said, Aldi. “Your villa is luxurious and beautiful, but how come it's a forest next to it. The forest is scary again… ”said Diana. "Yes, this forest is very scary, there used to be many Dutch girls who were killed and killed by the German colonial army because they have worked in this Indonesian state and do not want to carry out orders and do not want to become slaves of the German colonial army. So that they were killed by the troops of the German colonial army and their spirits all roamed and would kill anyone who did not want to be their slaves. " Said Vino. "Vin, how about we go home later! if not, let's pack up and come home right away, it's really scary, vin! ” said Aldi. "Yes it's better, let's go home now!" said Vino.

They all immediately packed up and immediately left for home. Suddenly from the car window, Diana saw that Dutch girl again was smiling and waving to Diana. Diana smiled back as well and waved to the Dutch girl.


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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Short Story, Ghost
