Do not make me cry

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3 years ago
Topics: Writing, Life, Lesson, Live, World

The scorching sun stung the worn-out body, full of sweat, along with the old man's slow steps. Throw a shabby cloth over his head so that the scorching heat at that time can make it a little bit shady. In his right hand he holds a large sack containing a collection of empty plastic bottles and plastic cups which are used as containers for mineral water.

Every day he does this. Either in hot, cloudy, or rainy conditions. This is the work he can do to make ends meet. Sometimes it produces enough results for him in a day but sometimes it doesn't. Of course he didn't expect this in his old age either. He also wants to feel a period of rest like other parents of his age. But what is the line of destiny has been written and he must live it.

Not without ever feeling tired, of course he is also an ordinary human who has limitations on the word strength. But he still feels and accepts everything because this is his current livelihood. Without any shame or bad point of view about her work, the old man ignored all about that. The most important thing is he does for the sake of making ends meet. He also seemed indifferent to his own health.

The two hands that he always uses to tinker with trash, without using hand protection. Likewise, his face, mouth and nose do not use masks at all, as people use today to avoid illnesses, such as the current Covid-19. All of them are hurt because they have to make a living because they do not have a lot of work and they also do not have financial support from their children.

The proceeds from collecting plastic bottles and cups will be sold to collectors who accommodate them to be used as recycled materials. The connotations of the work carried out from the above little story many people consider negatively. A scavenger or scavenger of trash. But without realizing it, they have done a significant job for the environment.

Just imagine if they weren't there how much and piling up of plastic waste that has been created so far. Not to mention the problem of the difficulty of being destroyed from plastic material which is also a problem in today's world ecosystem.

At least the cycle of recycling by a number of mineral water companies has had a positive impact. In addition to reducing environmental pollution by plastic bottle waste, it also provides few job vacancies for people who find it difficult to find work.

And of course it doesn't stop there, hopefully the level of public awareness to protect the environment will also be better in the future. Indeed, regarding waste or plastic waste there are still many problems to this day. Not all of the plastic waste recycling efforts have been able to reduce the production of plastic waste that is generated every day.

Indeed, the problem of waste is a problem that we encounter so often every day. Because the waste problem is not only from the big producers but also from everyone who lives in the world. From home and from various parties.

The government has tried hard to provide various means, from counseling to various prohibitions, to promote and make understanding and understanding of the impacts caused by plastic waste. So this still requires hard work and high awareness of each individual, of course.

What is often seen may be just collecting from plastic bottles or plastic cups. Then what about other plastic materials that are often used by the community in everyday life. Such as plastic straws, plastic bags, and others.

From this, the importance of awareness of the selection and reduction of plastic materials at least for now. So many innovations have been made to reduce plastic waste. Let's try from cultivating minimal use of plastic materials. Especially for plastic materials that have not yet been recycled.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Writing, Life, Lesson, Live, World
