Death of Nous Character

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3 years ago

The Nous Character referred to in this paper is not a person's name. But it is a concept of thinking of people who have been cultured in the past. The word nous character is a combination of 2 words, namely nous and character. The word nous has meaning, awareness, reason, mind, or character. While the character has meaning, behavior, action, temperament, character, character.

These two words are related because the basis of a person's mind is in the human mind and will not appear until it is done in the form of character or action.

So what is meant by Nous Character, I can conclude as the value of life that must be carried out by someone in dealing with other people. The values ​​meant, among others; courtesy, responsibility, discipline, honesty, sincerity, respect, and so on.

Why Nous Character Is Important For Me To Discuss

When Japan was bombed by allies in 1945, Emperor Hirohito did not ask, "how many brave soldiers are left", but "how many teachers are left".

That historical record inspired me to try what I could; writing, giving examples, and advising the importance of character for the millennial generation. Why is this important ?, because I am a teacher. In the past and in the present, Japan rose and thrived because of teachers. It's in Japan.

If ethics is not discussed, my fear is that today's humans forget that as a human, they ideally associate with other humans. Community groups with different cultures, languages, and beliefs in one unity as cultured human beings. Or even from the current generation who are said to be super tech-savvy to the older generation.

This is important so that we are not outdated as a nation but also do not forget the noble values of our own nation.

Family as the first educational institution

There is no stopping, wait, wait, later, and a series of other postponing words. We have to start now; starting with ourselves and with our families.

Instill character education starting from yourself and from your family. The seriousness of the business of character so that the president "went down the mountain" and asked the education office, teachers, and every family to immediately replant the roots of the nation's culture and civilization so that it would not be lost by the current millennial era.

Being friends. To become a friend of children is very simple, be a friend to them. Being friends? as adults, we can scold them if they make a fatal mistake. On the other hand, we are "required" to be good listeners and understand their difficulties. There is no need to act as the most knowledgeable because we are adults. Instead, always provide "space" to admit our mistakes in front of the child, and if the child does the right and good thing, give appreciation and appreciation.

There will grow a feeling of respect and understanding from the child. Character education is instilled like that, then believing in ethical values will automatically grow and develop through such parental figures.

The endpoint actually applies specifically to parents and teachers who are not fluent in using hobby technology, such as Instagram or YouTube. Why is the issue of technology discussed? For generation Y, who was born in the millennial era. Technology has become a true friend. Most of his activities are through technology. So if we can compensate, we will automatically know what they are doing outside the home or outside school. This is the benefit of the parental control function. At this stage, if something goes wrong, we know it and fix it immediately.

Remember! Do not forget to explain why parents forbid. Don't let the kids find answers from google.

In closing, instilling character education in children in the millennial era is very difficult. The difficulty is caused by the routine of parents at work and the phenomenon of social authenticity that starts in the family. If things like this continue then;

  • ethical values ​​will be lost due to the influence of technology.

  • The morality of the nation must be even more uncivilized because the touch of conscience has no place in the home.

Why is that? Because nowadays our biggest enemy is technology. So that the enemy becomes friends then;

  • Have the best time with your family,

  • Become a friend to children,

  • So the parents are hanging out so they know the complaints and actions of their children outside the home.

  • Familiar with technology but smart in using it

All of this can be done and will be successful, if;

  • Parents can be an example, not just talk.

  • If parents teach their children to love peace, ideally, the house should be a place where the child resists; without any quarrels from his parents.

If you love your child, teach love without theory and make it a cool shelter for all family members.

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Written by
3 years ago


So this is nous character. Thank you for sharing.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Just want to say, awesome article. And also don't forget to back me.

$ 0.00
3 years ago


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3 years ago

Its always pleasure dear.😍😍

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3 years ago