Currency is a medium of exchange not a resource

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9 months ago

Bitcoin as the pioneer for the birth of crypto currency was born, after that other currencies began to emerge which are based on the same in the systematic context of the crypto world. In every period of time, thinkers and initiators of economic problems have been looking for the best solution as a medium of exchange which is recognized as the best medium of exchange that humans have ever created or used. And indeed fiat currency occupies the most prominent and longest period of time for this to be used.

In this case, the medium of exchange is still a human obstacle due to problems of values, systems, efficiency and also problems of the resources used. So that many forms of realization are created to be used as the best medium of exchange, so basically there are still many shortcomings and problems caused by the use of fiat currency that has been used so far.

Bitcoin with its ideas and systematics tries to fix the deficiencies of the conditions caused by fiat currency as a medium of exchange, unfortunately on its way it turns out to give birth to many new polemics that have emerged. Where one of the most obvious is the problem of freedom and regulatory issues.

It turns out that freedom can't just be given up, like normal things that are born are required and restrictions are needed, because from the context the word freedom is often misinterpreted and also misused. Meanwhile, regulation is the turning point for polemic issues of power, strength, and also trust.

The polemic actually comes from the same basis, the essence of any form of exchange that is initiated or created turns out to arise from problems with its users. Humans as creators and initiators as well as users are constrained by the process of identity, morals, norms, and also knowledge. Present because of basic conditions and formations of existing lust.

Answering and searching actually the human being himself is aware of this main problem, so no matter how far the discovery is found by humans, it will definitely have an impact that comes back from the human side itself. Not from natural conditions that are the cause of damage to the systematics that are created or used. The condition of the natural cycle is a context of determination that must be accepted by the human side as learning, in which the problem of the state of consciousness should be returned along with the problems presented from the creation of a recognized form of exchange problem in this case called currency.

Humans sort from form, but forget to sort to sort out where and for what it is used in the context of truth. Sort out the basic sources of diversity, difference, acceptance and at the end of the day realize what it was created for. It's a shame that this process is often neglected, deliberately ignored, and even misinterpreted to the point of abuse.

Misuse, misperception, or misunderstanding, maybe it's a natural thing that will definitely arise. However, the most damaging thing is the wrong application to the point where there is a misinterpretation of meaning and purpose. Which resulted in aiming as a medium of exchange only became the main problem at the point as a tool to be cultivated and resourced for the word wealth.

So in this case is it wrong to say that the currency is right to be used as a recognized medium of exchange or just a bridge for self-satisfaction from the context of personal wealth? Even though it is clear that currency is a medium of exchange, not a tool to achieve wealth, and if the context wants wealth, it means that the work that must be done is not the currency that is resourced. So that as long as the problem of meaning and use means that the medium of exchange is fiat or crypto currency or other types of currency that are present to be used in the context of resources, the turning point is not achieving the goals created which will only damage and add to the problems of financial systematics in which the context is said to be a tool swap.


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Written by
9 months ago
