Crypto currency without an internet network

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1 year ago

So far, the use of crypto currency is completely dependent on the internet network. This is because blockchain technology, which is responsible for verifying and recording transactions, requires internet access to function.

Where a protocol that is worth considering to maintain the security of using crypto currency is the use of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security) on a network connected to the internet. This protocol enables secure communication between servers and clients by encoding the information sent. This will protect information on using cryptocurrencies from hacker attacks and maintain transaction security. However, the use of cryptocurrency must also be complemented by other security measures, such as the use of strong passwords and two-factor validation to prevent fraud and theft.

However, from this problem, if crypto currency is adopted en masse, it means that it will encounter obstacles in an area that is not connected to the internet network. So that there are several ways to access crypto currency offline or without an internet network at this time to answer this problem. Such as:

  • Using a Hardware Wallet: Hardware wallets like Trezor and Ledger can store your private keys offline. You can make crypto transactions from the wallet, although you must be connected to the internet to verify the transaction. However, this is not a way to fully use cryptocurrency without internet access.

  • Using Crypto Cards: There are several services that offer crypto cards, which can be used to access your crypto without needing to be connected to an internet network. Even so, this crypto card requires internet access just once to configure or update the device.

  • Offline Transactions with Private Keys: One way to make crypto transactions without the internet is to print your private keys in the form of a QR code or barcode. Then, you can make offline transactions by scanning the code on a smartphone that has certain crypto applications installed. However, this method is very vulnerable to theft and must be used with care.


Indeed, at this time the reality is that the use of crypto currency without an internet network is still very limited and not fully reliable. However, new technologies are constantly being developed to create safer and easier solutions for utilizing crypto in an offline environment.

Some of the solutions being developed include offline QR code technology and the use of crypto chips that can be used to make offline transactions more securely. In addition, several companies have also developed hardware-based crypto wallets that can be accessed without the need to be connected to the internet.

As a final note, returning to the condition of the protocol that can be said to be feasible, even though technology is increasingly advanced, the use of offline cryptocurrency still has security risks that need attention. Therefore, it is important for crypto users to always protect their digital wallets and choose safe and reliable offline solutions.


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1 year ago
