Critical Thinking Skills

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3 years ago

In the digital era today, we are constantly flooded with information every day. Issues, narratives, and discourses on politics, economics, education are never left behind on social media, television, and everyday chats. For example, related to the Job Creation Act, which until now is still reaping the pros and cons.

Not to mention that we are faced with the problems of life, where not all of them can be solved by thinking in a binary way, but we need skills in making the right solutions by means of critical thinking.

In essence, critical thinking is a skill that must be possessed by the 21st century. These critical thinking skills do not only apply in schools, colleges or workplaces, but all activities undertaken should be able to practice this kind of thinking. Critical thinking has become the subject of thought of early Greek philosophers such as Plato and Socrates and is also the subject of discussion in modern times as it is today. Then, how is critical thinking actually?

The ability to think clearly and rationally and be able to understand the logical relationship between ideas or ideas. As active learners who do not receive various information passively. We are required to use conscious reasoning in the thought process. Such as by strictly questioning someone's ideas or assumptions and also not just accepting them outright.

In facing a problem in the environment or organization, critical thinkers will try to provide ideas that can include a picture of the idea as a whole. They will automatically identify, analyze, and solve problems systematically rather than using intuition or instinct.

Usually, someone who has skills like this is able to understand how to determine the importance of the relevance of each argument he receives. So, in addition to understanding what is being said, critical thinkers also need to determine the relationship between the problem and the solution to be expressed. If not like that, then there will be annoyance thinking.

Then they are also able to identify inconsistencies and errors in reasoning. Because thinking activities do not rule out an error. But a critical thinker should be more thorough and able to think deeply about these problems. So that mistakes in the critical thinking process can be identified early on. Furthermore, they are able to approach the problem in a systematic way.

Critical thinking activities are not easy, but that doesn't mean it can't be done. Critical thinking skills need a process to produce critical thinking patterns as desired. Namely by analyzing, interpreting, evaluating, solving problems, and making decisions.

But actually, in critical thinking, we only have to be able to think about a topic or problem objectively and critically. This means that in looking at the problem, avoid subjective judgments measuring from a personal perspective between likes or dislikes. Thinking like this tends to lead to discriminatory attitudes when solving a problem in any environment.

In critical thinking activities, apart from focusing on existing problems, we also have to look at the various possibilities that occur. Then, the thinker must be able to consider the various possibilities from all points of view. Evaluate your argument to measure how strong and valid it is and you can identify the weaknesses that exist in the argument.

Furthermore, for critical thinkers, it is imperative to pay attention to the implications that may exist in the argument. provide structured reasons and support can be data for the arguments we make.

Critical Thinking Process

Critical thinking can be applied to all activities every day. To begin with, you can start by thinking about new things that other people have said to you. Then, ask yourself questions that cover 5W + 1H. Like, Who said. What was discussed, when, to the reason that person said or talked about it to you.

Not only that, to find out the problem in detail. Can you ask yourself, what when that person talked about it to you? Because through 'How' questions and think more about the problem, it makes it easier for you to find solutions to express.

Targeted Critical Thinking

One of the most important aspects of critical thinking is being able to plan what you want to achieve. Such as successfully solving problems to giving opinions based on various possibilities of the arguments received. With this, you can be useful in the next life when you are faced with a problem.

However, in critical thinking, there are several obstacles that get in the way of making decisions. We bring personal subjectivity, such as feelings of likes and dislikes, as a basis for building arguments. A major contribution to ensuring we think critically by being aware of personal characteristics, preferences, and biases and allowing them to consider other possibilities. 

As we realize and recognize ourselves, how our strengths and weaknesses are, the more likely it is that critical thinking will be more productive.

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3 years ago
