Creativity and Ideas vs AI

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2 months ago

Humans versus AI, where many things that cannot be done by humans can now be done by AI. However, despite this, AI was born from the existence of humans who have the existence of language of reason, thought, creativity of emotions and so on. At this time AI is developing rapidly, created as a tool to facilitate the continuity of human life, but on the other hand, of course there are positive and negative things from the existence of AI created.

Seeing the progress of the development of the AI world, now without being able to complain about it, we as humans accept and also take issue with it. There are pluses and minuses, the aspect of competition means that it is getting tougher, and many human jobs have now been replaced by the existence of AI.

Jumping on the side of creativity and ideas against AI, will it eventually backfire on human existence?

The logical side will say that it will not be possible to be replaced indeed, because the creative side and ideas are born from the existence of humans who have the basis of emotions and thoughts based on intuition. Meanwhile, AI does not have what is owned by humans in general.

However, AI can contribute to the problem of inspiration and execution, which can be said to be more precise on the precision side. The precision side may be very much related to the modeling of perfectionism or perfection. But on the other hand, the value of precision is sometimes not important in modeling creativity and ideas. Because it depends on the paper he is working on.

The conclusion is that humans who are being surrounded by the dominance of AI can still be developed and breathe freely, where the human side will certainly be more important than the existence of AI. Although each depends on the condition of the perception of each party's view. Where the choice is to develop to advance or be eroded by the progress of the times.


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