Coffee, Time and Meaning

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Short Story, Writing

Often our unhappiness is not due to not being able to achieve it. In fact, we can actually feel it all the time. But often we cannot achieve dreams because of a way of thinking that is not synergistic with the efforts to make it happen. We think too much but forget to act and sometimes forget to interpret the meaning of life. Like the following little story.

There is a businessman who is rich and can be said to be successful in meeting a cleric. The entrepreneur wanted to exchange ideas and ask questions about his self-sufficient life but unfortunately did not find peace and happiness. Very different from the ulama he met, his life was like the earth and the sky when compared to the successful entrepreneur. The life of the cleric is very simple, his life is supported by nature by farming and gardening to make ends meet. The house is made of wood in the form of a house on stilts like a typical Malay person. Her life is very peaceful and it seems so happy. It is for that reason that the businessman wants to ask for advice regarding accurate moves how the cleric can achieve all of this.

Because coincidentally they live in a village not too far away. Arriving at the cleric's house, he went up to the house and they sat in the living room. The cleric asked his son to make two cups of coffee to accompany the conversation. The businessman expressed the intention of his arrival and hoped to find a solution related to the problems of his life and that of his family.

With a smile, the cleric asked the successful businessman to tell him about the lifestyle he lived in his family. Without hesitation, the businessman told a long story, starting with the statement that he had sufficient assets, whatever he wanted to just buy without thinking. His wife's child lives in a state of luxury, if the neighbor buys a new car then his wife also wants to buy a new car. His son is the same as that, and without exception, the businessman says the same to himself. So it can be said that whatever is desired in this world can be realized except buying lives. He said he had everything but he felt no peace and happiness.

After listening to the businessman talk at length, it was time for the cleric to explain how peace and happiness could be found. Before that, the cleric first invited the businessman to taste a cup of coffee made by the child. The cleric asked "how is the coffee?" then the entrepreneur answered that it was very delicious. It is fortunate that cleric has children who can make this delicious coffee. Alhamdulillah, thank you, said the cleric. You know the formula for peace and happiness is like a cup of coffee. You feel that the coffee is very delicious without you seeing the cup used by my son as a place for coffee, it is very simple and seems cheap. Peace and happiness are also like that, sir. What you need to enjoy is the coffee, not the cup.

But in this life, we ​​are always mistaken and often confused to think of delicious coffee because the packaging and cups look beautiful and luxurious while you forget to enjoy the real coffee that you have to taste. We are busy looking for wealth because we think that wealth is the key to peace and happiness. We are busy competing with people and don't want to lose.

Coffee is life itself, while the cup is a tool used to enjoy the coffee of life. Coffee tastes good when you enjoy the coffee instead of the cup. Don't get confused. When they are confused, that is where you will not find peace and happiness even though you feel that everything has been fulfilled. Because peace and happiness in life are very simple. We don't need to compete with other people to be happy. Because happiness comes from ourselves, not from others, and it starts from the way we interpret life.

We just have to choose whether because of success or otherwise to achieve that happiness. When you want success, think a lot and act a lot. People who think and act a lot can be seen from the way they live. Where people like this sting respect for time. What is thought must really be realized through an action racing against time. When we can't take advantage of the current time, we will leave the past tomorrow that has no meaning. That means we have lost one chance of success today. So that later regret arises when regret is even depressed.

Race against time is not the same as the wheels of a car spinning, where when something is left behind, we just have to go back to pick it up and the condition returns to normal. But racing against time is like seeing the clock ticking faithfully around the numbers 1 to 12 as a sign of the day starting to evening and it shows the night will soon come and the day will change. We can just slow down the clock by shifting it to 1 again so that in a matter of time we are still long. But we will not be able to shift change a day you can't help but have to live.

Thus take advantage of the available time to do something meaningful. If in general it is said that time is money, on this occasion I will add time is opportunity, time is action and time is success. It looks trivial, but respecting time is the starting point in picking up a dream of happiness.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Short Story, Writing


From coffee, I will get inspiration to start a beautiful day. even though the coffee is bitter. but my life is more bitter than coffee hahahaha

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Your article is really inspiring. Happiness is in ourselves and the worst thing is that we spend so much of our lives searching for it because we have no purpose. Happiness is finding peace from my point of view. Thank you for sharing this with us.

$ 0.00
3 years ago