Blank Note

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Write, Freewriting

Back tired illness struck me up, empty and without thoughts at all today. Plus the current condition is in a cloudy and windy condition. Lights out, reportedly going to experience a long blackout. Hmm, confused about what to do.

Going back to sleep is enough to rest to replace the time used to stay awake in the morning. Being in a lazy condition to do something. The temperature felt good, because it didn't feel like it was normal daylight. It was just hot and hot. Recently, the natural conditions in Indonesia are indeed in an uncertain and changing condition. Where this year there were many natural disasters because of the circuits that occurred and outside the usual weather forecasts.

So, it occurred to me about an attitude or condition for someone who is also the same as a cycle like this. Change and change erratically, such as the direction of the wind that should be clear at a certain point but in fact it is still unpredictable. Conditions that like to change and change, they say, if someone has a condition like this, it can be called a unstable condition. That someone is in an unstable condition. But doesn't that only happen at certain times. Certainly not prolonged.

Then what about the unstable condition a person has for a prolonged period. In what category do experts think this condition falls? Ah, unfortunately I'm lazy to find out more about the discussion for such conditions. Returning to the lying position while continuing the letter by letter that I tried to compose to become a writing. Of course this is a meaningless article. And, if you read it will certainly be pass you by.

But not the same as time that passes but nevertheless will give meaning. I want to immediately leave this city, unfortunately the condition of the Covid problem still cannot be resolved. There are many things that must be fulfilled to be able to travel even if it is only in your own country. Making boundaries remain obstructed and ordinary things like I used to do can no longer be fulfilled. And this self is still full of nostalgia feeling the journey from city to city. Make me want to leave the house at this time. Get rid of boredom, but still feeling laziness is too big .

Then cool breeze is coming through the window and give so good feeling for me.. Want me to fall asleep fantasizing about taste. A sense of politics and belonging. Ah, but it's a shame that it resumes in my heart what it all means if only in a fantasy.

The youngest son called me, and asked me to play away from my daydreams and thoughts that I tried to bring to think of something I was doing right now. But still, there was no thought that allowed me to overcome the laziness that was coming to envelop myself right now.

Letter by letter, still typing until became a writing that I shed because the feeling of boredom that was bursting filled the empty soul. At least it's not empty, actually, just doesn't know what to do. Waiting for the time to break the fast is still 5 hours away. Hahaaha, it shouldn't be spoken. Reducing the level of fasting value that's all. Even though there are many good things that are done for now. Whether you want to read the qur'an or do other things of worship, it is certainly welling.

Even though there was a sudden smile, laziness was too strong to accompany now. Seeing that the crypto market is also in good condition, even though it hasn't shown a higher value. Ah, crypt. Again the crypto sentence that came. What is actually discussed in crypto. It's not really new thing until now. Only matters of price, fundamentals developments, and distributions. The basic essence is still the booming economy. Good economy, really? An economy that can balance?

$ 12.18
$ 12.13 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Write, Freewriting
