Black Orchid

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4 years ago

These are not perfumers of the fragrance company Givaudan. But this is original black orchid, yes one of the native plants from Indonesia. This plant is often found on the island of Kalimantan. This plant can only be found in Indonesia.

This plant has a unique color that is black. Unfortunately this one plant has begun to become almost extinct, therefore the government has now paid special attention to the one plant so it is not endangered.

Many people write that there are 2 types of black orchids namely black orchid Kalimantan and black orchid Papua. Where is the difference between the Kalimantan black orchid and Papua, where the Kalimantan orchid has the same scent as the orchid flower in general, while for the Papua black orchid, it has a more fragrant odor and has a unique characteristic odor that is only owned by the Papuan black orchid.

Actually no. Yes, because Papuan black orchids are the result of crossing of US orchids. And this is due to the fact that most of the information presented is only copy-paste between one article and another article. Then why is it expensive Papua black orchids compared to Kalimantan orchids?

For that I do not know because I have not done a deeper search. Maybe in the next article I will make about the explanation if I get the data and references.

So the point is if we look for the diversity of orchids and find the problem of black orchids which are said to have 2 types in Indonesia it is actually not right. But there is one thing that is more important than that. Where because these plants are included as rare plants, we should instead protect and preserve them instead of exploiting them.


pixabay, wikipedia, and Andy Easton.

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Written by
4 years ago


What a great flower that is. I never saw one like that. I only saw very tiny orchids in the wild in Hungary years ago.

Thanks for sharing this beauty. Who knows it's sold here. 👍💕

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4 years ago

What a beautiful looking flower, I have never seen such a beautiful black Orchid anywhere!!  

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4 years ago