Bitcoin Cash Hard Fork, Free Coins Again

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3 years ago

The news of a new hard fork will happen again on November 15, 2020, and it looks like this time, no one seems happy about the possibility of a new 'drama'.

The Bitcoin Cash community is at the beginning of a new era, the hard fork may take place on November 15, 2020, dividing the network into two blockchains, although it has become somewhat of a debate on the development side.

Three main popular implementations work in BCH at the moment: Bitcoin ABC, BCHN, and Bitcoin Unlimited. So far, the Bitcoin Cash network is still running thanks to the many developments made by the Bitcoin ABC team.

Bitcoin ABC creates mining nodes that garner a large fan base. It supports all the latest technology enhancements for BCH, setting the way for the upcoming Avalanche.

The reason the community is heating up is that the Bitcoin ABC development team asked the miners to share 8% of the revenue with the coding team.

According to the ABC announcement, 90% of developer time is spent supporting BCH with code as secure as possible. Since the team can't work for free forever, they have decided to change the core consensus rules.

As per the Infrastructure Funding Proposal (IFP), 8% of the miner's block reward will be sent to the ABC developer address. They will use the funds to continue making the BCH network a competitive project. Funds will go to members of the BCH community, as well as to the team.

Basically, we will get "free money (airdrop)" on this hard fork, provided we have the original coins, namely Bitcoin Cash.

Observe the wallet where you store coins. To receive free money (free coins), your BCH must be in a personal wallet. You can keep trading until November and withdraw from the exchange two days before the BCH hard fork starts.

After that, use the latest version of the ABC wallet to access your new coins. You can also return BCH to the exchange if you need it.

However, the easiest way to earn new coins is to hold BCH on the hard fork. It's easy, right?

$ 3.82
$ 3.82 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Written by
3 years ago


Three main implementations work in BCH at the moment: Bitcoin ABC, BCHN, and Bitcoin Unlimited.

Check and notice that there are 6 nodes, not just 3.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Three main implementations. well please read the sentence first. (main, major, top, or dominant)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are misunderstanding the English.

Popular does not mean "main".

$ 0.00
3 years ago

o i see. Sorry then, will fix it soon. Thank's for the corrections.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Your information is geat

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Correct information, we need the best.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for the info,,

$ 0.00
3 years ago