Bird of Paradise

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4 years ago

Cendrawasih Bird, which is dubbed the "Bird of Paradise".

This bird family has a membership of 43 species. There are approximately 30 species in Indonesia. The rest is scattered in the rain forests of Papua New Guinea and northeastern Australia. The majority of species have subtle differences between males and females. During the breeding season, the appearance of male birds looks more beautiful. They really want to attract the females, and do not realize that they already attract the hearts of all eyes that see them.

The attraction of the Bird of Paradise is because of the beauty of the color of its feathers. Cendrawasih itself has different types, there are Red Paradise, Balinese Paradise, Cendrawasih 12 Antennas and all have different characteristics. This uniqueness made him known to the world to get the nickname as Bird of Paradise.

Male Cendrawasih has brightly colored feathers and also a dance ritual that is used to attract the attention of female Cendrawasih. The male Cendrawasih of Cendrawasih dance is spectacular because it displays the flexibility of their fur and body shape which further accentuates the beauty of their fur color.

Male Cendrawasih is also always serious in preparing for this dancing ritual. They are even seen cleaning their beaks and the environment around their nests to be the stage of their dance rituals.

Because of its beauty, Paradise is the target of illegal hunting today. Coupled with deforestation to turn forest land into gardens, felling trees which certainly threatens their habitat. As a form of gratitude, we should preserve nature, especially the population of birds of paradise.

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Written by
4 years ago


Wow such a beautiful species. Readung auvh kind of article is knoedgible and useful thansks dor sharing man

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4 years ago

Wow!! this bird is looking very beutiful..but due to deforestation the numbers of birds are decreasing day by day

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4 years ago