Beware of the new digital token hype

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1 year ago

It's important to exercise caution when it comes to digital tokens that are taking advantage of the current crypto market trends. Hype from the presence of digital tokens that take advantage of crypto bull run positions that are starting to reappear.

The positive impact is that more and more ordinary people are familiar with crypto. From being completely blind to knowing and interested. The target market for developers and figures is different. So that the crypto market is expanding. This is of course a driving force for the development of the crypto world while the negative impact is that many ordinary people join in and then experience losses which will cause trauma to invest in crypto.

The conditions during the period bull run took place where the period of increase in value led to rampant incidents where crypto figures or developers issued new crypto by trying to reap the benefits of the existence of smart contracts and unfortunately in the end it didn't last long. It's generally just a high-risk pom-pom or shitcoin as we say from token creation.

This is due to its small market capitalization, making it easy to manipulate price movements. Not to mention the added price that is very volatile, rises quickly, and can also quickly fall. After rising high and dropping, mostly you can't go up again because it uses a pump and dump scheme.

The important thing to remember is that if ordinary people who want to get into the world of crypto are strongly advised to use safer crypto, you can say that the existence of large non-token coins is the best choice. Where Coin non-token is a type of crypto currency that is made to offer a better price than its existence, its capacity is also supported by reserve assets and the prevailing market.

Crypto performance largely reflects prices on major stock exchanges. Where the current condition of the crypto market is better than the commodity and gold markets. As sample we can be seen that the volatility of the value of bitcoin as the main coin in the crypto world is more likely to recover compared to commodities when crypto is heading to new highs.

One thing to note where Bitcoin's advantage compared to most commodities is the low initial adoption rate and steadily increasing compared to dwindling supply.

So as a good and correct rationale in terms of protecting against the nature of losses, it's best to speak if there is an opportunity to make money, why not put it aside with important learning to learn about every new thing in the crypto world, especially the presence of digital token modeling which is starting to bloom again ahead of the period ongoing bull run.

So always remember Be aware of hype and do your due diligence before making any investments.



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Written by
1 year ago


Thank you for sharing this article on the risks and advantages of investing in digital tokens and cryptocurrencies. It's important for investors to be cautious and do their due diligence before investing in any crypto asset, particularly during periods of market hype and volatility. I agree that large non-token coins can be a safer choice for those interested in investing in the crypto world.

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1 year ago