Beauty of Situ Gunung Nature

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4 years ago

Indonesia is indeed impressive with a variety of natural beauty. Such as banding, mountains, sea, hills, and various kinds of artificial tourism.

This time, the area we will explore is Sukabumi. Where this place has a myriad of panoramas and pleasant charm. In addition, the Situ Gunung area has become the belle of all friends from all over the world. Because the name known has become a favorite destination for tourist areas that must be visited in Indonesia.

What is there in Situ Gunung? Let's look at the exploration below.

Located at an altitude of 850 meters above sea level, make Situ Gunung a favorite area to visit in the special Sukabumi area. In addition, the trees soar so that, adding a sense of comfort and fun. The heart feels peaceful, the mind is refreshed, the condition of the heart and soul use fitter than usual.

Situ Gunung Lake

In addition to enjoying the greenery, the original friend will also be presented with the presence of the lake. The perfect combination of nature and try to be present in this region. The water is so clear that anyone would want to enter Kenya.

Hear the sound of birds singing, shouting to each other, and flying here and there. This is the nature of Indonesia with all the beauty that is created in it.

Coupled with waterfalls sawer not far from the lake. The charm of the waterfall, known for its mystical scent, presents a different impression when you set foot.

Waterfall Sawer Situ Gunung

Not fear, but an incredible sense of wonder. High air discharge, swiftly adding to the beautiful nature of this Sukabumi.

And this is one of the reasons why you must come to Situ Gunung. A long transverse suspension bridge. Anyone will definitely be fascinated to see this bridge. not only that, adrenaline will be encouraged to see under this bridge a gaping chasm so wide. With a length of 250 meters, a width of 2 meters and a height of 150 meters makes this bridge look so fantastic in the eyes of adventurers who are eyeing the competition.

Suspension Brige Situ Gunung

This wooden bridge does have a high level of security. So for tourists who don't need to worry about safety when crossing this Hanging Bridge.

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Written by
4 years ago


A very beautiful place indeed. Thank you for sharing another beautiful part of Indonesia. Aside from the famous Bali, Indonesia really have a lot more to offer.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Situ Gunung lake is an outstanding natural feature in the physical settings of Indonesia. Thanks for featuring this.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

nature inspire us nature teaching us and nature it's so helpful for us. so all thanks to

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4 years ago