Bearish, what tricks for a condition like this?

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3 years ago

Sluggish or bearish market conditions often make many people panic. Many people flock to transfer their assets to instruments that are considered low risk. In a sluggish market situation like this, what tricks can we do to deal with it?

One of the sectors that will still be sought even though the economy is sluggish is the consumption sector. This sector is a sector that is the only choice for people who want to meet their daily needs. Although the market is certainly not as busy as before, the condition is relatively more stable than before.

When the economy is sluggish, the decline and increase will still occur in the investment market. Pay close attention to which sectors are still likely to be stable. That way you know where to put our money.

Putting that in a bank account is not a wise choice. If inflation occurs, there is a chance that the value of your money will drop dramatically. It is not surprising that many financial experts recommend diversifying their assets. This will be very useful to minimize losses if there is an investment whose value drops dramatically.

Not to mention that the fluctuating market conditions will definitely make us panic and confused. After investing some funds, don't forget to make a strategy about when and how we will withdraw funds from the market. By making a plan, we will have no trouble making decisions when economic conditions force you to withdraw your investment.

Maybe what investment options are suitable to be chosen which are considered the safest, namely:

State bonds. Because they are held directly by the state, these bonds carry a very small risk of default. An attractive choice for those of you who don't like stock market volatility

Defensive stocks. Defensive stocks are shares of companies engaged in sectors that will still be needed despite the ongoing crisis, such as food companies, health care to real estate

Gold. Until now, gold is still considered a safe haven because its price tends to be stable throughout the year. Owning gold can be one surefire way to avoid the impact of a sluggish economy.

Diversify your assets right now by making gold savings for times or conditions like these.

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Written by
3 years ago


Nice article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The information in this article is great..thanks

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Gold is hardly anything worth here. If you try to sell it you receive zero for it. On the other hand people steal the art, iron, copper, etc there seems to be a shortage. Personally I do not see the need to invest on long term. I do not count on a long term for me personally. I would not invest in the state either. The state is corrupt, prints extra euro, banks are bankrupt just like so many things the government wastes taxes at and fools with.

$ 0.00
3 years ago